Chapter 1865, these people are sick.

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled and smacked them. "Thank you for your concern. Although my father is somewhat unhappy, I didn't punish me. I just didn't let Xia Guanshi accompany me today. I changed to a black sergeant. I don't know. I don't think it was bad for my task yesterday."

The people who ate melons played a full reverie, and they could not help but talk about it:

"The black scorpion is a famous haze. The ink lord asked him to go to trial with Miss Mouth. This is to give Miss Murda a hard time!"

"What you said makes sense. I don't know what the Mohist owner thinks. It is so embarrassing to her own biological daughter."

"Let's have nothing to do, just follow it and see if you want to lose a lot!"


Summer management is still relatively better. After all, there has been experience yesterday. The black shackles on the side have been greatly affected. Are these people sick? !

The black scorpion is the commander of the government of Mofu, and his temper is sullen. He was dissatisfied with the fact that Mo Cheng let him accompany the cloud to the beginning of the trial. Now the impression of the beginning of the cloud is even worse.

The black sultry cold looked at the cloud and glanced at the beginning: "Missy, it’s not early, let’s go!"

The cloud stunned for a moment, and some stuttered and said: "Okay, okay, let's go! People, you, if you have something, don't follow it. Big, big deal, I will be sleeping in the jungle today!"

Those who eat melons and see the clouds are scared by the black cockroaches. They suddenly patted their chests and said, "Miss Ms., we just have to go to the jungle to hunt. You can rest assured that if someone commits the following, we will help you. Strive for justice."

"Yes, the method like yesterday is very good. Today we still do it. Miss Ms. Da, you are relaxing."


The black man frowned, no wonder the owner asked him to go with him. I didn’t expect this waste lady to have so many people to help her.

However, these people are just a lot of people, and they are not allowed to go to the jungle.

Everyone has their own minds and is heading for the jungle.

Clouds are more silent today than yesterday. From time to time, I still use my sleeves to wipe my tears.

When I was eating melons, I suddenly added a lot of content to my brain. I couldn’t help but feel more sympathy for the beginning of the cloud. At the same time, I was even more dissatisfied with the black scorpion.

The situation is exactly the same as yesterday. There are too many people in the world, and the beasts are all fleeing.

When the black scorpion was about to let everyone leave, someone drove a twenty-six-order giant toothed cow.

"Miss Mad, you can start the trial!"

Blackbird is a bit aggressive, what does this mean?

Some of the guards gathered around him and said, "The commander, yesterday is like this. Those people drove the monsters over, and then the Missy and the monsters killed."

The black scorpion couldn't help but scream, these people are really full!

Black and summer are different. Although he is also jealous of other forces, he believes that it is impossible for those people to open their faces for the beginning of the cloud.

So, the black sultry said coldly: "The crowd, Missy is trying to challenge himself. You are not helping her but harming her. We have to try it, you can please!"

Those who listened to the black swearing words clamored.

Unexpectedly, the black scorpion was a palm to the tree next to it. The huge trees suddenly fell to the ground, and those people suddenly panicked.

Compassion is also good, watching the excitement, the premise is that in the absence of danger, this black sorrowful heart may indeed be hands-on, so they have made excuses to slip.

Sixth more. The remaining two chapters are still in the code, and the code is finished.

(End of this chapter)

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