Chapter 1876, sad reminder of Mrs. Luo

Of course, Mrs. Luo did not want to go, but in order to face her face, she had to go through the past with a reluctance, and also put on a sad expression: "The grass, I did not expect you to go at a young age! You can rest assured, me and Your father must have buried you."

Mrs. Luo said that she walked to the "corpse" of the beginning of the cloud, and squatted down and turned the body of the cloud to the beginning. I saw that the eyes of the cloud were closed and the face was full of burnt black and blood.

Mrs. Luo sneered in her heart, although it was a pity to die, but she died, the things in the storage ring are theirs, but it is also some compensation.

When Mrs. Luo was thinking about it, she saw her eyes open and her eyes widened out. "My sister, I am so bad!"

Mrs. Luo’s scared **** fell on the floor, and the cloud first reached out and grabbed Mrs. Luo.

Mrs. Luo was so scared that she was desperately screaming, and she was desperately dodging backwards. It happened that it was a deep pit behind it and fell directly into it.

There are more than a dozen feet deep in the deep pit, or else the cloud will not come to the plate to come up. After a muffled sound, there is no movement inside.

Things happened too fast, and Mo Cheng and others had no time to react. They could only watch as Madam Luo fell into the deep pit.

"Mother!" Mo Fanghua screamed and rushed to the side of the pit.

Mo Cheng also quickly jumped to the side of the pit and looked down. I saw that Mrs. Luo was motionless and it was estimated that it was stunned.

Ink has a tight heart, and quickly flew down the sword.

At the beginning of the cloud, I blinked my eyes, rubbed my eyes, and bit my arm. "Don't I die? I am still alive? Haha! Great! I am not dead! I am not dead! I will say, evil. How can someone like me die in 10,000 years?!"

Everyone's face is so arrogant, although this earthen buns are not dead, but they are scared crazy? !

At this time, Mo Cheng had already brought Mrs. Luo up. After feeding the drug, Mrs. Luo woke up. Although she was not low, she was shocked and scared at the time. It was too late to respond, so the injury was not light.

Mo Fanghua looked at the beginning of the cloud: "Mofang grass, are you deliberate? You are a curse!"

Mo Fanghua’s slap in the face of the slap in the face of Yun’s first slap in the face of Yun’s first singer’s slap in the face of Yun’s enthusiasm, and naturally he will not wait for the slap in the face and run away.

As for what shameless face, this product is never in the heart, this goods ran aloud: "Da Bo, San Shu, help! Two sisters want to kill me!"

Mo Peng and Mo Changgang were deceived by the beginning of the cloud, so many things in their hearts, naturally, do not want to take care of this idle thing, Na Yun began to hide too thick, and immediately hid behind Mo Chang.

"Second sister, you and I still don't hurry to stop? You actually shouted and killed in front of the three uncles, your education? Three uncles, hurry to save me!" Yunchu started to look out from behind Mochang White teeth said.

"Fanghua, have something to say. Besides, the grass is not intentional. She must think that she is dead. She wants to complain with the second guilt. I have thought, cough, and the courage is too small. "Mu Chang saw the look of Mrs. Luo, and almost laughed."

Although Mo Fanghua is proud of his temperament, he is not good at arrogance in front of his elders. He has to sneak a sneak peek at the beginning of the cloud and make up his mind to wait for Mo Chang to go clean and then clean up the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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