Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1879: The shame from Mrs. Liu’s wife

Chapter 1879 is from the humiliation of Mrs. Liu Lao

The old house of Mofu is located in the east of Fengli City, occupying a street, which shows that the power in Fengli City is large enough.

Although the Mohist family was separated, Mo Peng and Mo Chang still lived in the old house, but only built two walls in the middle and separated the old house into three.

Originally, Mo Cheng should also live in the old house, but under Mrs. Luo’s majesty, Mo Cheng went to Jinchuan City to start another stove.

Because of this incident, Mrs. Liu’s wife of Moh’s family was very dissatisfied with Mrs. Luo’s wife. Fortunately, Mrs. Luo’s mother, Mo Junchen, was very favored, so Mrs. Liu’s attitude eased.

The first thing that Mo Peng and Mochang came back to was to go to see the ink house of Mofu and Mrs. Liu.

When Yunchu started hearing the name of the owner of the ink house for the first time, he almost laughed and squirted. Mo Yan, Mo did not stop, isn’t this always not stopping? !

Four people entered the city of Licheng, and Mo Zhen and Mrs. Liu Lao had already got the news.

Mrs. Liu’s wife snorted: “I want to say that the second child’s ear must be provocative by Rockwell. If it weren’t for the face of her birth, I have already set her rules. ”

Ink has frowned. "In recent years, the power of Luo's family has been much stronger than before. The second child may borrow power, so don't look at Rock's face."

"Hey, I will talk about it behind the scenes. If I look at Rock's face, my baby Junchen will be the first one who is not happy!" Mrs. Liu said that Mo Junchen laughed and didn't close his mouth.

"You! It's so much too fond of Junchen! Prepare to meet the face, anyway, the grass is also the eldest daughter of the second room."

"Hey! A wild donkey who grew up in a low-lying continent is worthy of the identity of the eldest daughter? It’s still about to change to Fanghua Shantou! Besides, the second child brought her back, I am afraid it is for that thing, Luo It’s really a good calculation. I have to say that this Rockwell is much stronger than the original one...”

"Okay! Chen sesame rotten millet thing said what he did?! Hurry and prepare to see the ceremony!" Mo Yan unpleasantly shouted.

Mrs. Liu’s wife saw that Murray was angry and did not dare to say more. However, her heart was angered at the beginning of the cloud.

After a while, the clouds began to enter the house.

Mrs. Liu’s wife saw that the appearance of the cloud was a frown, and her heart was more and more unhappy.

After Mo Peng and Mo Chang saw the ceremony, it was the turn of Yun Yun and Mo Fangqin.

After the two men saw the ceremony, Mrs. Liu said coldly: "Get up, Fangqin Shantou, you will sit down next to me, I will say a few words to her."

At the beginning of the cloud, he sneaked a few glances at the ink sputum and Mrs. Liu, who were sitting on the main seat. When they saw the look of the two, they knew that these two were not waiting for her.

It’s amazing, why don’t the people in Mofu want to see her? Is it related to her mother?

"I heard that when you come back, you will blow up your house's house. It's really a little rule! If the spiritual power is so low, you should practice it well. Nothing to do.! You waste like this, throwing us away." The face! Although you do not live up to expectations, but this face-to-face ceremony is still to be given, lest others say that I have a bowl of water is not flat!" Mrs. Liu said, she took out a scorpion and threw it in front of the cloud.

That scorpion is just a product of the next class, and the style is very old. It is not the jewelry brought by the little girl. The most excessive thing is that Mrs. Liu’s wife threw the scorpion directly on the ground. It’s obviously humiliating the cloud, this is what it’s called No difference.

Mo Fangqin couldn’t help but look at the beginning of the cloud. This earthen buns have never played cards according to common sense. What will she do?

The fourth is even more. Bamboo has not been able to complete the task today, and the remaining four chapters are updated tomorrow at noon, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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