Chapter 1882, I have come to the net.

When it was said that it was too late, the beginning of the cloud flashed, and the person had already jumped to the Lingguoshu, picking up a Lingguo and rubbing it with his sleeve.

Qing Lan is dreaming and didn't think of it. There are people who are so shameless, and hurriedly shouted: "Miss Fangcao! You stop!"

If the cloud is not able to listen to her, it will be strange. This product feels that the fruit is very sweet. So when I reach out, I start to pick it up. I pick it up and say, "Stop, what hand is there? This fruit is not eaten here. This is a waste! I am not picky eaters, I am so hard to help my grandparents eat it!"

Qing Yan is angry and afraid: "This is a three-turn golden fruit, it is forbidden to pick it! The old lady can't spare you!"

"I don't want to pick it casually. I didn't pick it up. I picked it up. I don't pick it up. You can rest assured!" Yun said with a smile.

Green 黛...

A slap in the face, regardless of the cloud and the fangfang, the scorpion went to the main courtyard to sue.

"Big sister, these three golden ginseng fruit blossoms in 30 years, 30 years and one result, 30 years of maturity, it is strictly forbidden to pick casually, grandmother will certainly be angry." Mo Fangqin said coldly, my heart is dark, this Earth buns, are you so embarrassed? ! Grandma has never looked at you, you are still dead, just wait for the punishment!

At the beginning of the cloud, Xiaoxiao said: "Three sisters, you are too reluctant to accept, this person, we must find ways to make ourselves live comfortably."

"Hey! You said it is light, and my grandmother talks for a while, I see how easy you are!" Mo Fangqin snorted.

"Three sisters, then you will be okay! I will not only be embarrassed, but also eat this fruit justifiably." The first time the cloud was picked, it was almost in front of the Mofangqin.

Mo Fangqin snorted: "Who wouldn't say big words?! Grandma not only wants to marry you, I am afraid I will punish you, you will wait for punishment! Don't be tired of me."

"Three sisters, you think it's pretty beautiful. If I said to my grandmother, you told me that the three-turn golden ginseng fruit tastes very sweet, so I moved my mind. You guess, grandmother will not bring you. Punished together?" The first black lotus skill of the cloud is full again.

Ink of the air, "You, you mean!"

"Despicable? I am still shameless! You said that you are not afraid?" Yun said with a smile, how hateful it is.

"What do you want to do?" Mo Fangqin asked with anger.

"Hey, you are still very smart! You will cooperate with me for a while, you have to say so, understand?" The cloud smirked like a little fox stealing chicken.

Mo Fangqin has widened his eyes, can people still be so shameless? This dumpling is too shameless?

Mo Fangqin was afraid of being hurt, but he was reluctant to agree to the beginning of the cloud, and then followed the cloud to the main courtyard.

At this time, Mrs. Liu’s wife is furious: “This ink grass is really daring! This three-turn golden fruit is what I am going to use to give gifts and entertain guests. She dares to pick it up. It’s really going to be the opposite!”

Ink wrinkled his frown, and thought that this little girl had some thoughts. He didn't expect it to be a foodie, so there is no other use.

"Come on! Bring the ink grass to me!" Mrs. Liu said with an angry voice.

"Grandma, don't send people to catch me, I have come to the net!" Yunxiao smiled and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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