Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1884: These fruits are for you.

Chapter 1884, these fruits are for you.

At the beginning of the cloud, there was a small waist plate. Yizheng said: "Grandfather, grandmother, I think so. This is something that is extravagant and extravagant. It is also a thing outside of you. Why do you have to give it to outsiders to eat? But reluctant to eat?

It’s hard that those who have eaten this fruit will really appreciate it. What kind of practical benefits will they really give us? I don't think so! Although these three-turn golden ginseng fruit is not common, it is not a rarity at all. The top heaven is also the spirit of the product under the order of the earth. It is better to send a gift of the top quality!

Others are all right. After all, they are all juniors. But you have been working hard for so many years. Do you want to eat a fruit and look at it and think about it? If you eat it, you will eat it. What else? !

I feel sad when I think about it, so although I know that I have to be punished for picking this fruit, then I have to take it back. You two have to punish me. I also recognize it. After all, filial piety is greater than heaven and is punished. What kind of? ! If you want to punish you, you will be fined. I have no complaints! ”

Both Mrs. Liu and Mr. Moss are a glimpse. The words that Yunchu said at the beginning of the day are obviously beyond their expectations. They are old and sorrowful. They certainly know that Yunxiao is a sophistry, but I have to say that the beginning of the cloud is quite a bit reasonable.

Also, these three-turn golden ginseng fruit is nothing but a lower-level product. Although it is a rare thing, it is not particularly precious. Even if it is sent out, it may not have any big effect.

Mrs. Liu’s wife snorted: “It’s good to say, I think you are awkward, just want to eat fruit!”

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw a little white tooth: "Grandma, you are so wise! You are really right. I want to be filial in this aspect. On the other hand, I am swearing! I am thinking about you and your grandfather. I love the younger ones, and I can reward me with a few fruits, so I will take the fruit with daring, and you will be fined, I will punish!"

Standing on the side of the ink fangs, the corner of the eye twitched, and I can take it for granted, and this is the case! The skin is really thick! Just, grandfather and grandmother will believe her ghost?

Mrs. Liu’s wife and Mo Yan’s eyes also twitched. They have lived for so many years and have never met such a shameless person!

Mrs. Liu’s wife is trying to talk, and Mo Yan smiled and said: “You’re a little girl who is honest. What you said makes sense. The three-way golden fruit is precious and precious. It’s better to give it to others than to give it to others. Now these fruits are rewarded for you, go back!"

In the heart of Mo Fangqin, he was like a dog. Did his grandfather really believe what she said? Also gave these fruits to her? how can that be? ! Grandfather is crazy today?

"Thank you grandfather! Thank you grandmother! I really love you too much! Grandma, you give me a maid to lead the way, this green eyes are too bad, maybe it will frame me. Grandma, you also look up, maybe this green is Whose eyeliner!" said the cloud at the beginning of the smile.

Today, Mo Yan was one of the first to protect the cloud, and Mrs. Liu’s wife was very uncomfortable. She said with a cold face: “Silver red, you take them both to listen to Hexuan.”


Silver red accompanied the Yunchu and Mofangqin out of the house, and the green scorpion immediately fell down: "Old lady, the slave is the courage to dare to deceive you! The slave is only loyal to you, really is not the eyeliner of others. ""

(End of this chapter)

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