Chapter 1894 hangs you guys

"Fang grass, this is a natural gift to send, your child is really an temper!" Wu said with a smile, but the words are full of disdain.

"Fang grass, your aunt is right, you are really an temper!" Niu Shi also said, the look between the look is also very disdainful.

Although Mo Peng and Mo Chang confessed that they had to strive to pass the cloud to their respective homes, they did not agree, because they felt that the succession was simply unrealistic, so they were not very enthusiastic and prepared for the cloud. It’s just a medium-sized instrument.

"The big aunt, Sancha, is not my temper. It is really the uncle and the three uncles who said that they will give you a very valuable meeting, and each one is still two! So I have not The interest has always been remembered!" Yunchu said slightly embarrassed.

At the foot of the ink fangqin is a glimpse, God, this earthen buns are really dare to say! She had so many things in the front foot and the uncle and the three uncles. Now she dares to continue to hang up the aunt and the three aunts. She is not afraid of people’s accounts after the fall.

Wu and Niu’s thought that they were true, they could not help but have some embarrassment. Their own masters blew the cow out. If they don’t cash out, don’t you lose your face?

Wu bites his teeth and said, "The grass, your uncle did tell me yesterday, saying that you have suffered a lot in these years. This, this bi-water cold jade bracelet and the clear water jade ring will be given to you. Let's go!"

When Niu saw Wu’s two pieces of Shangpin, he had to bite the back molars and take out two pieces of Shangpin’s spirits and gave them to Yunchu.

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled and put things into the storage ring: "Thank you for the aunt, thank you three! Go back and thank me for the uncle and the uncle, you are so kind to me!"

Wu and Niu's face were perfunctory, and they secretly blamed their husbands. The succession was nothing but the first thing. Now, I have put in two top-quality spirits.

After the beginning of the cloud, thanked Wu and Niu, they turned their eyes to the three people of Mofang. They said with a smile: "Fang Sister, Fang Min, Fang Hui, I met for the first time. I have some small gifts for you. I don't know if you have something for me?"

The three people of Mofang Frost are shocked!

How can this earthen buns be so shameless? ! It’s just a gift to the elders. Now, what do you want to reach out to your peers?

However, when they thought about it, they did not have to go too far, so they all took out a piece of Chinese spirits and gave it to Yunchu. Then they looked at the clouds and looked at what they were giving back. gift.

At this moment, Mo Fangqin really wants to find a place to sneak in, because she is very sure what the return of the cloud is, it is Chinese cabbage! God, it is too shameful!

Sure enough, Yunchu smiled and took out three big cabbages and put them into the hands of Mofang cream: "Fang Sister, Fang Min, Fang Hui sister, giving gifts is not valuable, important is the mind. This is my from Tianyuan The mainland has worked hard to bring it back, pure natural, green, pollution-free healthy cabbage, you take it back and stew it, it tastes good!"

Mofang frost...

Mo Fangmin...

Mo Fanghui...

The three people holding the cabbage in their hands and stunned, they received a lot of gifts, but received the cabbage is still the first time, especially the Chinese cabbage for the Chinese cabbage!

(End of this chapter)

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