Chapter 1896 掀 table

At the beginning of the cloud, I was swimming there, so I didn’t even say what I meant by Mo Junchen. So after Mo Junchen finished the rumors, there was no buzz at the beginning of the cloud.

Mo Junchen thought that he was afraid of him at the beginning of the cloud. He couldn't help but be more mad: "The earthen buns, you know each other! You will move me out for a while, or else you will be welcome!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the goods are still thinking about eating roadside stalls or big restaurants, so there is still no buzz.

When Mo Junchen saw the "weakness" of Yunchu, he couldn't help but be proud. He went to Mrs. Liu's wife and spoiled: "Grandma, the soil bun agreed, and you and my grandfather told me to move to listen to Hexuan live!"

Mrs. Liu, a little his forehead: "You, it's naughty! Waiting for me to see your grandfather helping you, but grandmother can't guarantee success. Haven't eaten breakfast yet? Silver red, let people take Junchen love Come early."

Silver red promised to go down and arrange it.

Mo Fangqin couldn’t help but wonder, why is the soil buns so good? It’s hard to say, what is the bad water in this product?

When Mo Junchen came, the topics and focus of everyone were transferred to him. Mrs. Liu heard that everyone praised Mo Junchen, and the old face laughed into a flower.

Waiting for the breakfast to come up, the cloud began to sneak out of the game, and the eyes fell on the table.

Hey, the old lady here looks good early, so if you do, let's solve the breakfast here!

"Grandma, you really care about us. How do you know that I didn't have breakfast with my three sisters?" Yunchu squatted directly in front of the dinner table and picked up the chopsticks to eat.

Not to mention, this taste is really not bad, the cloud rushed to eat while rushing to the ink Fang Qin beckon: "Three sisters, what are you doing silly?! Come over for breakfast, don't smash the grandmother's mind."

Mo Fangqin has not spoken yet, and Mo Junchen is angry!

"Bunch! This is the breakfast my grandmother has prepared for me. Do you dare to eat? You give me away!" Mo Junchen pointed at the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, he looked up at him and said, "Are you talking to me?"

"Crap! Of course, I am talking to you. If you let me listen to Hexuan, I will spare you this time. You will hurry up, or else you will be welcome!"

At the beginning of the cloud, a steamed dumpling was picked up. After eating it slowly, he said faintly: "When did I agree to let you hear He Xuan?"

"Buddles, do you still want to not accept the accounts?! When I asked you, did you not acquiesce? I told you, if you don't let the hearings come out, I will make you a drowning dog like your maid! "Mu Junchen said arrogantly."

At the beginning of the cloud, a steamed dumpling was picked up. It was still faintly said: "Is the green branch being drowned by you?"

"Oh! Yes, it is what Xiaoye people do. Just like you, you want to eat lotus. Do you have it? Father and mother should not pick you up. Your waste is not worthy of the second house." The identity of the woman! You hurry to get me off, this is my breakfast.” Mo Junchen and Mo Fanghua are brothers and sisters. Naturally, the identity of the eldest daughter who could not understand her sister was “grabbed” by Yunchu. go with.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw a look at Mo Junchen. I didn’t speak, and I continued to have breakfast slowly.

When Mo Junchen saw the beginning of the cloud, he still couldn't let it go. He couldn't help but be angry. He suddenly turned the table over: "I let you eat! I let you eat! You have a dumpling, do you have breakfast with Xiaoye?! ”

The fifth is more. The remaining three chapters will be updated tomorrow at noon. Dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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