Chapter 1900, the explosion of the ink fang

Without the guardian pass, the ink singer inside heard the ghost of the cloud, and he couldn’t help but frown. What kind of moth is in the ink?

At this moment, Mo Junchen also chased it up: "Hey! You dare to fight the young master, I want to kill you!"

The beginning of the cloud can not help but sneer, it is really stupid!

At the beginning of the cloud, he said pitifully: "Jun Chen, let's have something to say, you can't stop and shout and kill, it's too scary!"

Mo Fangqin’s eyes twitched and twitched. This earthen bun painting style is really fast! Who was the smack of ink on the ink? Who was the one who made Mo Junchen a pig? Who was the sang grandmother? !

Mo Junchen is also a glimpse, and then see the clouds and the scent of Mofang Qin crying, said madly: "Hey, you know now that you are scared? Late! I tell you, I can't spare you! I am not only not only I want to slap you a meal, and I have to throw you into the lotus pond for three days and three nights! There is also a singer of ink fangs. You usually obey like a dog. I didn’t expect to bite it now. It’s really awkward!”

The long-standing unwillingness and resentment of Mofangqin broke out completely at this moment!

She rushed to the front of Mo Junchen, and slap in the face of Mo Junchen's swelling like a pig's head!

After the ink fangs finished playing, they stopped, and Mo Junchen also stunned! This slap is more shocking than the few slaps that the cloud first beat him! This usually a pug-like ink fangs dare to beat him?

After the ink fangfang finished playing, I regret it, and it is over! Mrs. Luo can't spare her, she won't say it, she will still be troubled by Qiu Niang, what can I do?

Mo Junchen slowed down the gods, and lifted his feet to smash the ink fangs. Mofangqin was blaspheming God. There was no reaction at all. At the beginning of the cloud, he pushed the fangfang away and then hid behind a guard. Scream: "Emma, ​​too scary! Grandfather! Come out! Junchen, this idiot wants to kill me and the three sisters!"

The first scorpion of the cloud stunned the guard, and the singer of the fragrant grass was really big enough, and the ears were shocking.

When Mo Junchen saw Yun Yun’s hiding behind the guard, he did not consider whether he would hurt the guard. He was in the palm of the guard: “You are going to leave the little boy! Otherwise, you will killed!"

Although the guard did not dare to fight back, but he would not be stupid to stand there and beat, so he jumped to the side and escaped the attack of Mo Junchen.

As for the cloud 玖 他 behind him, he ran to the back of another guard. He said silently to Mo Junchen: "Idiot!"

Mo Junchen was mad, and it was a palm to the guard. The guard also naturally disappeared. After the cloud, he switched to another guard.

When Mrs. Liu’s wife arrived, she saw Mo Fangqin standing on the sidelines. Mo Junchen made a mad attack on the guards of the study, while the early clouds were flexible to hide and hide.

"Jun Chen! Hold your hand! Be careful to disturb your grandfather." Mrs. Liu’s wife has more brains than Mo Junchen. Is it a noisy place here? !

"Grandma! These two little monks are really awful. I have to clean up them today." Mo Junchen is going crazy. He has never eaten such a big loss. The pain on his face is Secondly, it is mainly too shameful!

Mrs. Liu’s wife comforted a few words of Mo Junchen, and then said to Yun Yunqi and Mo Fangqin: “You two are going back to the main court with me, or else you will take another step in the future!”

(End of this chapter)

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