Chapter 198 is really a ghost.

Zhou Guanwu will open a gap in the battle, and Luo Feng can't wait to jump!

He has a wishful thinking in his heart, so much power on the top, those who are sturdy in the mountains will be jealous, as long as he has spent half an hour, he has escaped this robbery!

Luo Feng fell to the bottom of the hay. After climbing up, he asked for a smile on the mountains. "I just feed you..."

Luo Feng’s words have not been finished yet. A Lushan violently rolled up his nose with a long nose, and he squatted on the stone wall.

The rest of the four Lushan fierce elephants are also angry and take turns to do this, this is a hateful human!

They almost went to his place!

If it weren’t for the kind little little girl, they would be defeated by this shameless person!

Kill him!

Luo Feng could not help but toss this toss, and soon he died.

At the beginning of the cloud, he sighed: "Hey, Su Shijie, we have tried our best, but it is estimated that those who are watching the peaks of Luoshan are not good-looking. When they get angry, they kill him. This is his life. The trick is not to be guilty."

Su Yun has been blind all the time, nodding nodded.

Xuanyuan’s head and the elders’ faces were stiff and stiff, and the heart said that this cloud is really a little devil who can’t vomit bones. If she really got the top ten in trials, I can imagine that The little ancestors, their days of Linghuazong will be very "exciting"!

The onlookers looked at Luo Feng’s horror, and could not help but look at the sigh of sighing, and raised the danger level of the cloud to five stars. Although this cloud has no spiritual power, she has a bad water. Ah, it’s better to provoke her less in the future.

Xuanyuan’s head and the elders saw that things had been resolved and they left.

At the beginning of the cloud, he bowed to Su Yun: "Su Shijie, today I am tired of you, and you have suffered innocent disaster! I will definitely compensate you in the future."

Su Yun said quickly: "Small nine sisters, this is the fault of Luo Feng, and has nothing to do with you, you don't have to worry about it."

Su Yunxin said, joking, don't say that I really don't complain about the beginning of the cloud, that is, I don't dare to say it, this product has a bad stomach, I can't offend her!

At the beginning of the cloud, he smiled and laughed, and then he rushed to Fengming. "Feng Ming brother, let's go, let's continue to see the little beast."

Feng Ming nodded sullenly. He felt that he could not see the little nine sisters more and more. On weekdays, the temper jumped away and was confused, but every time he reached a critical moment, he always succeeded in winning, and he was courageous. amazing!

I don’t say anything else, but it’s five heads and eight steps. If the general disciple is scared, she can live on it with just one mouth, and look at the meaning, the five heads of the mountain The mammoth still reluctant to her, I really saw the ghost!

Feng Ming was fascinated with the first few clouds, and then saw several beasts, and then sent Yunyun back to the dormitory, then he left.

After the matter of the Spiritual Garden, Yun’s first experience was completely famous!

Even the two disciples who guarded the library building were very polite to the beginning of the cloud, for fear that the cloud would use the bad water on them.

In addition to working, the rest of the time was spent in the library building. Although she was unforgettable, Linghuazong’s collection of books was vast, and she spent only half a month’s work. She only looked at the library. Two layers of books about alchemy.

However, this is enough for the beginning of the cloud to toss, and this goods decided to start alchemy.

The fourth is even more. Dear, good night, what?

(End of this chapter)

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