Chapter 2001, Yan Yan, Yan Yan

"Qiaoyun, you are jealous of me, I am so confused these days! Hongxia and Hongyun, you are looking for a personal tooth to sell, we will live well in the future." Mo Cheng said while taking out the swelling ointment Gently applied Rockwell to the face.

"French, I have been talking too much. I don't want to go to my heart. Our children are so big. I naturally think about it for you. Besides, we Luojia and Moh are relatives, and they will really destroy the Mohist family. ”

Rock's heart is proud, or is it right, only the maiden's family is good, this girl can only say in others' homes. In the future, when the Mohist family is gone, he will not even dare to come.

The two men wiped each other's swollen ointment, and Rock's temptation asked: "Wu Jun, how did you plan? Is the grass married and not married to Zhao?"

"I didn't say it, but it should be married. The family can't count on it. Can't you dare to fight against Zhao?" Although Mo Cheng was still dissatisfied with Rockwell, he did not dare to show it.

Rockwell turned his eyes: "French, this grass is married, the business of the seven-star lucky card can be ignored. The grass is our second room, and you take it for granted, you run to the other side. Don't let the two rooms smash the fat."

"Qiaoyun, what you said makes sense, I will pay attention to it. The lucky card of the Seven Stars should be our second room."

"Fu Jun, for the seven-star lucky card, you will follow the public servant in the future. I pretend to be angry and return to Luojia. On the one hand, let the public servant be satisfied with you. On the other hand, I will return to Luojia to explore the situation."

Mo Cheng was naturally full of promises, so Rock's face returned to Luo Jia with a sad face.

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard the dialogue from the little black rat. I couldn’t help but sneer. This ink is really a cartilage head, so it was so scared by Rockwell.

Elder Zhao Er and Zhao Lizhi are going to the Luo family for a feast. Luo Pingsheng and his two sons are delicious and entertaining. It’s very lively and funny.

Luo Ping was very proud of his heart. This move has been planned for several years. Now it is finally a wish, and it is really fun!

The old man of Mo Yan always looks like a tall man. I really want to see how he looks when he falls into the dust!

Luo Yan is a son-in-law, naturally she will not participate in such a banquet, she is accompanying Rockwell.

"Aunt, it's really cheaper. I am so bitter. I was going to find a chance to tie her up. After the round, I sold it to the furnace, so I let her marry Zhao. The family is really cheap."

"Stupid girl, do you think Zhao is a good place to go? Mofang grass must be miserable in the next days, dare to offend the girl of Luo family, it is simply looking for death."

"Aunt, although this is the case, but I couldn't see the horror of the scented grass, I am still not willing! You said, if Zhao found that the scented grass is not finished, will it even worsen her?" Yanyin said.

Rock's surprise: "Yan, you quickly dispel this thought, Zhao family is not what our Luo family can make."

Luo Yan smirked and said reluctantly: "Well, but the original Mofangqin also hit me, then I tied her to the furnace hall, you will not be reluctant?"

"A prostitute, how do you want to toss how to toss, I will find a chance to help you get her out of Mofu, and then you can do it." Both the prostitute was cleaned up and the Luo family was happy. for.

After the completion of the replenishment, the morning will continue.

(End of this chapter)

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