Chapter 2004 Acid Soluble Dregs

When Zhao Lizhi’s clothes were halfway off, he felt a little confused. He shook his head. Whatever it was, drinking was really a mistake. How can the beauty be trapped? !

Although Zhao Lizhi tried to stay awake, his head was still getting more and more heavy. Finally, he fell down on the bed.

At the beginning of the cloud, the figure appeared, and he licked his mouth and brought Zhao Lizhi to the bed.

At the beginning of the cloud, the sword hanging from the head of the bed was taken down and stuffed into the hands of Luo Yan. Then, holding the hand of Luo Yan, the sword was directly stabbed into the chest of Zhao Lizhi.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the scene of the manufacturing case and felt that it was perfect! Although the black lotus skill is evil, it has to be said that the scum is really sour!

The goods opened the window, volatilized the remaining stunned smell in the house, and took out the antidote and shook it in front of Luo Yan's nose. After picking up the jade from Zhao Lizhi's waist, he swayed out of the bedroom.

At the beginning of the cloud, Zhao Lizhi threw the jade of Zhao Lizhi on the bluestone plate of the yard, and then came to the partial house to smell the drug for the two waiters, which concealed his figure.

The goods hooked the corners of the mouth and went to the next door yard. After a fire, they went away.

The goods are counted, and after the fire, everyone will come to fight the fire.

At this time, Luo Yan and the two maids had just passed the medicinality. When they were there, they would be screaming. The firefighters thought that something went wrong, and naturally they would run over. Luo Yan had no time to cover up and conceal Zhao Lizhi’s death.

Hey, the scenes at that time must be very exciting, but it’s a pity that the time limit of the shadows is limited and you can’t watch the live broadcast.

Things and the beginning of the cloud are expected to be the same. After the fire, Luo Pingsheng and Zhao Er’s elders rushed over.

Elder Zhao Er is still wondering, where is this kid going? How to solve a hand for so long? Will it be trapped directly to the guest house?

When everyone was fighting the fire, they heard a few exclamations in the Luo Yan yard next door.

Luo Pingsheng was shocked at the time. He wanted to go into the house to see it, but after all, men and women were different. He had to ask outside the house: "Yan, Yan, what happened?"

"No, nothing, grandfather, I just did, have a nightmare!" The voice of Luo Yan trembled inside the house.

Although Luo Pingsheng felt a little embarrassed, he did not ask deeply. When he was about to leave, Elder Zhao Er discovered the jade on the ground.

"This, isn't this the jade of aspirations? How come here?" Elder Zhao Er blurted out.

Luo Ping’s head is awkward. Is it true that Yan Er and Zhao Lizhi have an affair? how can that be? They just saw one side!

Elder Zhao Er obviously has the same idea as Luo Pingsheng, and he can't help but blame the scorpion. You are the monkey who is no longer tempted to provoke the Luo family. How can this end?

Luo Pingsheng took a deep breath and let his men retreat, leaving him and Elder Zhao Er.

"Yan, there are no outsiders now, you and the young masters are coming out!" Luo Ping said in his heart that Luo Yan is confused, that Zhao Lizhi is not a good person at all, how can you look at him? !

After Luo Pingsheng finished speaking, there was no response from Luo Yan. He felt that something was wrong. Biting his teeth and pushing the door directly.

There was a thick **** smell inside, and the two maids shivered on the ground.

Luo Yan was wearing a blouse and was sitting on the bed with a pale face. Next to it was a man with a bright sword on his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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