Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2006: I finally have to close the net (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 2006 finally has to close the net (seeking a monthly ticket)

Elder Zhao Er saw so many Lingshi, his face eased a little: "You Luojia is still lucky, my brother's diverticulum is about to come, you pray that she will have a son! Otherwise, even if I help again When you talk, I am afraid that my older brother will also destroy your Luo family."

"Yes, yes, no matter what, Luo Mou thank you!" Luo Pingsheng wiped the cold sweat on his head. He knew that although the elder Zhao Er said this, but in all likelihood, it would not really destroy Luojia. Just have to make a fortune.

Elder Zhao Er left the body of Zhao Lizhi with Zhao Lizhi's body overnight. Luo Pingsheng sent people to see Luo Yan in the yard. No one was allowed to visit.

The next morning, Mo Yan came to the door!

"Lo, the owner, I came to see the elders of Zhao Er, isn't it to say that we want to marry the grass today? We have already prepared for the ink house, but how did the Zhao family have no shadow?" Mo Yan opened the door and directly explained the intention.

Luo Pingsheng's face is very ugly: "President Zhao Er has returned to Jianfeng City in a hurry. The news that you wait for him is that there is still something in my house, please."

Mo Yan suspiciously saw Luo Pingsheng: "The Zhao family is gone? What happened?"

Luo Ping was upset and confused, where is the mood to deal with Mo Yan: "If you want to ask yourself to ask Zhao, send customers!"

Mo Yan snorted: "Luo Pingsheng, good, good, you really turned your face and didn't recognize people!"

After the ink singer finished, the angry squad went away!

I have to say that Mok's acting is very good. Luo Ping did not doubt that this matter is related to Mohist.

After Momo returned to Moh, he laughed in the study for a full quarter of an hour: "Happy! Happy! Really happy! Grass, do well!"

At the beginning of the cloud, Ba Baba’s eyes: "Grandfather, you should not be too happy to be happy. Although things have progressed smoothly, the crisis has not been lifted.

Although Zhao Lizhi is dead, there are other males in the Zhao family. When Zhao Lizhi’s mourning period passes, the Zhao family will definitely go to the door.

Moreover, since the Zhao family did not turn over the face of Luo Jia yesterday, it is very likely that Zhao Jia will not take Luo’s family at the end, and at most it will lose money. ”

Momo nodded. "What you said makes sense. Then what do we do next?"

"Luojia must be inside and outside, and there is a lot of chaos. You immediately spend a lot of money to recruit guards and get rid of Luojia. After annexing the power of Luojia, Zhao’s family wants to seek revenge. Let’s have a battle, let alone Occupy location."

At the beginning of the cloud, I finally got to the bottom of the net, Rockwell, you are so separated from my family and friends, I will let your family bury you!

Momo was silent for a while, then bit his teeth and said, "Okay! Just do what you said! What else do we need to prepare?"

"Zhao's family is very likely to supply the family to be asked to help us to deal with us. So, we have to secretly recruit the teacher, but it is not good, just spend the price, as long as the money is in place, it must be Can be recruited.

And last, the things we can't do can't let my uncle know them, especially if you can't let me know, otherwise, it's easy to lose! ”

The old man’s face was burning and burning. He raised his hands and feet and agreed with Yun’s saying that the three idiots were not enough to make a difference, let them know that it would only be bad.

After the discussion of Yunchu and Mohyun, he returned to listen to Hexuan. As soon as he entered the house, he saw the eyes of the dead fish in the north and stared at her with air.

The fifth is more. The remaining three chapters are updated at noon. At night, I suddenly had a runny nose, my head was dizzy, and the bamboo had a moment to think about a chapter, but I thought of the blade that you said, and wrote five chapters with his teeth. Then magically discovered that the snot was stopped, hahaha!

Finally, today is the last day of the double monthly pass, although it is quite shameless, but still ask for a ticket, what!

(End of this chapter)

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