Chapter 2008 Golden Light

At the beginning of the cloud, he took the hemostatic medicinal herbs from the storage ring and fed it to the emperor, and then sprinkled the powder on the wound.

"Do you have a heartless eye? You don't apply medicine?" The cloud groaned and gnawed his teeth and asked evilly.

"When I arrived, I was in a hurry. I didn't care about it for a while. I said that I was used to it. After two days, it would be fine." Emperor Beibei said in an understatement.

"You bastard! Do you know that you are mine?! Your body is mine too! You don't care so much, I tell you, you really have to fall into a scar, I won't roll sheets with you!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he said with tears, this product is very distressed, and there are so many scars on Emperor Beibei, which shows that his situation is extremely dangerous.

Emperor Beibei gently wiped his tears with his hand. "It's really okay. After I woke up last time, my body became different from before. This little injury can't help me." ”

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart moved: "You fainted? What time?"

When Emperor Beibei saw that he had missed his mouth, it was not good enough to hide it, so he simply said what he had done.

On the same day, after the cloud was taken away by Xia Guanshi, the emperor rushed a spurt of blood under the anger, and then fainted.

Emperor Han Han and other people are not afraid of it, but also to feed the medicinal herbs and lose the spiritual power, but there is no effect at all. The face of Emperor Beibei has been pale as paper, and the pulse has become extremely weak.

The wife of the main priest washed her face all day, and the old man of Tianchi heard the news and rushed over, and the only remaining fifteen-level chaotic vitality Dan was given to the emperor.

After taking the medicine, although the emperor did not wake up, but the pulse became stronger, the people slightly relieved.

However, the Tianchi old man has only one chaotic vitality Dan, and everyone has become helpless again.

Until a month later, the entire Changsheng Temple was shrouded in a golden light, and the emperor opened his eyes.

At that time, the dark wind was kept in the bedroom of Emperor Beibei, and it was directly fainted by the inspiring spiritual power in the body.

After Emperor Beibei helped him to divert the spiritual power of the body, the spiritual power of the unfortunate dark wind children's shoes jumped from the six layers of Lingzun to the nine layers of Ling Xuan, and the goods almost disappeared after being mad.

The people in the Hall of Eternal Life have grown a little more or less, but there is no such thing as a dark wind.

It is of course gratifying to see the emperor of the Emperor Han and the Lord’s wife when they see the emperor’s north, but they immediately discovered that the emperor’s transformation was different from the previous one.

The appearance is still the appearance, but the temperament of the whole person becomes more chilly, even with a bit of coldness, only need one look, it makes people feel a sense of awe.

At this time, the bloodless Essence heard that the news that the cloud was taken away was over, and the goods did not know that the Emperor Beibei was not the same as before. It was a stink: "You are a face! You are useless!" I entrusted Xiaojiu sister to you, you didn't protect her! I knew this, I should send Xiaojiu sister to our Blood Demon, you waste!"

Emperor Bei wrinkled his frown, raised his hand, and the unprepared blood was shot and flew out. He spit a blood and fainted.

When everyone saw this, they quickly stepped forward to discourage them. The emperor’s singer only said a few words: “Waste.”

At this time, the light of the Xianyuan continent came down. The emperor north took the dark wind and stepped directly into the light of the light. He saw the crying sorrowful lady, frowning and faintly said " Take care, then don't talk.

(End of this chapter)

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