Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2015: Emperor respects the tiger

Chapter 2015 Emperor respects the tiger

Hey, Mo Fanghua and Mo Junchen are not the kind of ink, it is really good news!

If, does Mo Cheng know that this thing will be mad at the death? Really looking forward to it!

After the cloud was happy for a while, there was some worry. The old friend of Rockwell is the six layers of Ling Xuan, which is higher than the spiritual level of the old fox. If it is a disaster, it is a disaster.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it. I decided to check the identity of the old Luo Shi, determine his whereabouts, and find a way to deal with him.

The next day, Yunchu called the black cockroach.

"Black, I will give you a secret mission. You should investigate whether Rockwell is in front of me and I have a good name. In addition, after finding the foothold, I will send someone to stare. Be careful, the person’s spiritual power is very high.”

The black scorpion's face is arrogant, can this little ancestor be able to count? How did she know that Rockwell had a good relationship before, and that she knows that people are very spiritual?

However, the black donkey did not dare to ask more. After going down, let a few hands go down and investigate the matter secretly.

Three days later, the black scorpion looked up and said: "Miss, we found a person named Zhang Hua, who was a neighbor with the Mohist family.

Zhang Hua and Mrs. Luo can be said to have grown up in childhood, but later Zhang Hua’s parents were both sick and the family fell. It is said that Luo Pingsheng was very opposed to the two together. Later, I don’t know how Mrs. Luo married the Mohist family.

Zhang Hua rented a yard in the south of the city and hired two servants. He rarely went out, and his subordinates had already sent people to stare. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "It’s a good job. This matter is strictly confidential. Even my grandfather can’t know, understand?”

"Yes, the subordinates understand." The black scorpion confirmed and affirmed that Moh was fighting this little ancestor, in order to save his life or listen to the ancestors.

"You find someone to show Zhang Hua's appearance and the terrain of his yard to me. I am useful."


The next day, Blackbird handed Zhang Hua’s portrait and the topographic map around his hospitalized village to Yunchu.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw Zhang Hua’s portrait, and I couldn’t help but have a good time. Mo Junchen and Zhang Huachang’s at least eight points, the ink hat is perfect!

After the black scorpion went down, the cloud first thought about the chin for a moment, then took out the singer: "Little madman, come to my yard in the middle of the night, I have something to look for."

The dark winds are uncomfortable in these days. When I heard the call of the first cloud, the night was coming.

Mofangqin and the two maids have been stunned by the sputum at the beginning of the cloud. This product feels more faint than stunned. Well, that's it.

"Miss Nine, I haven't seen you for many days, you are more fascinating, and you have fallen into the country." When the dark wind meets, he quickly flattered the aunt, because he was afraid that he would look for him to settle accounts. After all, he had sent him a voice to him. Did not dare to return.

"Hey! You thought that two good words, I will not care about you? Little madman, at a critical moment, you are actually with a little white face, are you worthy of the medicinal herbs I gave you and those delicious? You still yell at me The golden branch beauty, think beautiful!" Clouds snorted coldly, apparently not buying.

"Miss Nine, you are really a subordinate. You don't know that you are now scared to death. How can I not listen to him? If I don't obey, he will really kill me!"

"Are you stupid? You don't dare to face it, don't you do a little trick in the back? Besides, what is the fear of Xiaobai's face? Isn't it a paper tiger?! Are you afraid of a wool?!" Pouted.

Dark winds are crying, paper tigers? In front of you is a paper tiger, in front of me that is a real tiger, ah, no, the emperor is fiercer than the tiger!

(End of this chapter)

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