Chapter 2023, you are sick.

Blackbird and others look like a slap!

If the lion and the cat are indistinguishable, they will not say it. What is your spiritual materialization?


Is it that we have little knowledge, or is the spiritual materialization of this little ancestor too strange, how is the materialized needle?

This is not a joke!

No wonder this little ancestor has not used spiritual materialization, and this materialized spiritual needle is not as good as the purple lightning!

This spiritual needle also has the thickness of the embroidery needle. Even if the wind blade does not hide, there will be nothing wrong with it. This is simply weak!

The wind-blade lion is obviously thinking this way too. He feels that the human being in front of him is simply too weak. Materialized, this broken thing still wants to deal with it? Dreaming!

The wind-blade lion turned a huge eyeball, not only did not dodge, but rushed up against the purple needle. It has a wishful thinking in mind, and this spiritual needle even tickles when it is shot on the body. It is better to take advantage of this opportunity to bite the cloud.

Blackbird and others saw the wind blade mad lion rushed over at the beginning of the cloud, suddenly exclaimed: "Miss, flash off!"

When I thought of the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t move at all, and I smiled and stood in the same place watching the wind-blade lion.

The black scorpion and other people’s heads are awkward. The wind-blade lions are too close to the clouds, and they are too late to shoot.

Little ancestors, little ancestors, are you not looking for death yourself? Could it be that you came to Luofeng Forest to commit suicide? !

Just when Blackbird and others were about to collapse, they heard a few popping sounds, and they were also filled with the screams of the wind-blade lion. Everyone took a closer look, only to see the wind blade mad lion began to burst, the wind blade mad lions tumbling.

Blackbird and others think that their heads are not enough. What is going on?

What is the use of the ancestors?

Didn't see her use it, and then, if it is used, it is also bursting from the outside. This wind blade lion is obviously bursting from the inside. What is going on?

At this time, the cloud 玖 玖 玖 风 狂 狂 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 又 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖

Blackbird and other people are shocked and stunned!

It turns out that this little spiritual needle will burst?

Lying in the trough, is this too abnormal? !

Is there such a materialization? This is a weapon to play pigs and eat tigers!

Although this is a primary materialization technique, it is even more powerful than the upper intermediate materialization technique.

When Blackbird and others were forced, the first rays of the cloud shot a few purple small needles against the eyes of the wind-blade lion. With the sound of the burst, the wind-blade lion screamed.

After the cloud smashed the body of the wind lion, he said with a grin. "This kitten doesn't even know how to hide, hey, it's really stupid."

Blackbird and others said, don't say that this wind blade mad lion, that is, the monk saw that you are shooting a spiritual needle may not hide, who can think that this thing will burst, it is too pit!

In the next two days, the first few clouds of the cloud killed a few monsters. Most of the monsters thought that the small needles of the cloud were weak, and they would not dodge at all, so they simply took advantage of it.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that there was no such challenge. So when I encountered a 30-step wind blade, the cargo first shot a few small needles against the big tree next to it.

The wind blade mad leopard can not help but wonder, this human little girl is sick? Instead of attacking it, Mao attacks the tree next to it? Isn't her eyes bad, is it squinting?

When the wind blade mad leopard was thinking about it, he heard a few cracks coming from the side, and the big tree was blown out several large holes. If the iron core tree was hard, it would be blown up.

"Kit, have you seen it? My little nine-needle needle is not as simple as it seems, so you have to be careful! Come on, let's hurt each other!" Yun said with a smile.

There is only one thought in the mind of Blackbird and others. Are you sick? !

The fifth is more. The remaining three chapters are updated at noon.

(End of this chapter)

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