Chapter 2034 Nirvana

These monsters have their own bodies of captured monsters in their own space, and some can't help but start eating.

Have the lead, the rest of the monsters think, it is impossible to be so smart, this time the world, so they have started eating.

Well, the situation that was originally waiting for it became a collective meal.

Some of the monsters look at the clouds at first sight. This little **** is fine and tender, and the taste is definitely good. It is better to eat her!

When the monsters were preparing for action, they heard the smile at the beginning of the cloud: "If you dare to attack me, I will pour water into it. Should the baby you want not like water?"

When Yunchu said, he made a pot of water and poured it into an open space next to it. The temperature on the ground was too high. The water poured on the ground and soon became steam.

When the cloud was first done, there was a warning from the beast to scream at the monsters who were eager to move. The monsters had to hold back and eat the thoughts of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth. Do you think that this fairy has been sinned for the first time without any reason? ! Here is the Feng Shui treasure land. Once the baby is the easiest to succeed, the second one is really not good. I will jump in. Anyway, there are weedy beads and fire beads, even if it is magma.

When the beginning of the cloud was full of enthusiasm, the sudden flames in the deep pit suddenly rose and ignited a raging fire!

This kind of goods scared a spirit, but fortunately she has already inspired the fire, or else it must be burned to fly ash.

Look at the demon birds and monsters one by one and stare at the flames, the eyes are full of greed. At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but wonder. Is there anything unusual about this fire? Is it so exciting?

Is it that there are treasures in these flames? Will the baby appear when the flame is extinguished?

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned my eyes. If the baby is in the world, she must have won the monsters, unless it is another way!

This goods bite the teeth, anyway, there is a fireball on the body and not afraid of these flames. If so, then drill into the flame, so that you can get the first opportunity, right, just do it!

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought of it, and called out the board to jump directly into the deep pit.

The horror of those monsters, this little girl really has a head in his head, and actually jumped into the fire and committed suicide!

Standing on the cutting board, the cloud began to fall and finally fell to the bottom of the pit.

The little black bird couldn't wait to come out of the spirit beast bag, and the cloud was released from the beginning.

"Master, that is the bead, hahaha! I was actually right, I actually have the Nirvana beads of the ancient phoenix!" said the little blackbird excitedly.

At the beginning of the cloud, he picked up its short wings: "You are a stock! You are blind! If this is not a **** Nirvana, can I not take the risk?!"

The little black bird stunned the mung bean eye: "Master, this, I have not guessed it wrong?! Let's count it later, let me swallow the bead first."

Although Yunqiu hated not to smash the little blackbird, but also knew that it was not the time to settle the account, he asked: "What kind of **** Nirvana is what? What is the use?"

"Master, when the adult phoenix is ​​in the nirvana, in the place where it is nirvana, the surrounding soil will be roasted by the fire of Nirvana, and the soil will absorb a part of Nirvana, and then absorb the tens of thousands of years of aura will produce a Nirvana beads.

After the fire monsters swallow the nirvana beads, they have great benefits for their cultivation. Even in places where there is no spiritual power, they can rely on the fire power in Nirvana beads to practice. The little black bird said excitedly.

After the completion of the replenishment, the morning will continue.

(End of this chapter)

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