Chapter 2037 is really a phoenix

At the beginning of the cloud, the suffocating air almost went back, and the little black birds were released. The monsters were not fools until they couldn’t guess that Nirvana was swallowed by it!

However, they must not let go, or they will suffer if they are black mice.

At the beginning of the cloud, he had to put the little blackbird out of his scalp. At the same time, he was carrying two thick and super-explosive bursts in his hand, and prepared to blow it when the situation was not good!

As soon as the little black bird fell on the ground, it became a small fireball. When the cloud first rushed out, it took out a basin of water and splashed it up. When I thought of not splashing it, it was such a small fireball that became a big fireball!

"Wow, burned the little man! Wow, my beautiful feathers have to be burned out!" The little blackbird kept screaming.

"You are an idiot, you are rolling on the ground! The fire is gone!" At the beginning of the cloud, it was useless to see the splashing water. It was also helpless, so that the little blackbird would roll on the ground.

The little black bird really started to roll on the ground, and those monsters could be bloody!

The fire on the little blackbird is very weird. A monster is burnt when it is only a sparking star. After a while, it becomes a fly ash.

The monsters quickly sneaked out and were afraid that the fire of the little blackbird would get them.

At the beginning of the cloud, the heart moved, this is a good opportunity to get out, so the little blackbird was directed to roll outside. She inspired the fireball to go out behind the little blackbird.

The beginning of the cloud also saw it. Although the little black bird called for it, the fire seemed to burn it, otherwise it would not worry about its feathers.

The trees where the little black birds are going will be burnt to fly ash. The monsters are sure that the nirvana beads are swallowed by the little black birds, and they hate each other, but they are afraid of the flames of the little black birds. I had to keep a certain distance behind me.

As soon as the fire on the little blackbird goes out, they will swallow the little black bird.

I am really afraid of what comes, the flames of the little blackbird are getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared. The cloud can’t help but feel dark, the **** fire should not appear when it appears, and disappear when it should not disappear. It’s so awful!

This is how to do? Those monsters will not let her and the little black bird.

She wanted to escape, but the monsters were very savvy, not only followed by a lot of monsters, but also some monsters around the front, once again trapped the cloud in the middle.

When Yunchu was planning to use the **** to fight for a fight, he saw that the figure of the little blackbird suddenly became bigger. Although it was still black feathers, there was an indescribable brilliance. Despise the nobleness of the world.

The little black bird raised his neck and made a loud scream against the sky!

"Hey, hey..."

In the minds of the early days of the cloud, the records of the classical books suddenly flashed: the phoenix flies, and the gongs!

Xiao Hei is actually a phoenix!

The monsters and the demon birds suddenly felt a huge pressure. The noble blood of the little black birds gave them absolute suppression. All the monsters and the demon birds were kneeling on the ground, and the trembling and shivering courtesy.

Not only the monsters of the Luofeng Forest are like this, at the same time, almost all the monsters of the Xianyuan continent are bowing to the direction of the falling phoenix forest at the same time. The ancient gods are the gods of the world, and this fear is flowing in them. In the blood, there is no choice but to surrender.

At the beginning of the cloud, the feeling of only two words can be expressed: cattle fork!

(End of this chapter)

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