Chapter 2039, the male **** is coming.

At the beginning of the cloud, there is no time to spare it. There are at least three days away from the outer periphery of the Luofeng Forest. Can you wait to die?

When the cloud was thinking about it, a figure rushed over, it was a dark wind.

After receiving the voice of the cloud, he originally wanted to go out, but thought about it or ran over to the inside and wanted to meet the cloud.

Although the heart of the cloud was moved, but it was even more sorrowful, this is good, and it is not good for both people to die here! When Jin Zhimei suddenly lost her girlfriend and her boyfriend, she will be sad!

The little black bird must be fluent!

When is this all the time? ! This heartless owner even thought that there was something that was not there. It was really a mad bird!

The dark wind can be downcast, and there are fireballs smashing down. Although there are trees that can block it, there are still many people who have turned to him.

The dark wind had to run and use the spiritual force to hit, so the speed of escape was much slower.

The dark wind couldn’t help but regret it, or Miss Nine said it was right. He was a drag-and-drop. It’s better not to save Miss Nine. This is to save people. It is clearly harmful!

"Miss Nine, you should go first, don't worry about me!" The dark wind felt that if this went on, both of them would die, so let's let the cloud run first.

At the beginning of the cloud, he didn’t take care of him, his head was running fast, how can he get rid of the current dilemma?

Although the crack can resist a while, but the effect will not be too good, because there are too many monsters, and there are demon birds.


傀儡 Dealing with the monsters below the 37th order is still okay, and dealing with these high-level monsters is not enough.

Chili noodles?

Don't pull it!

These high-order monsters are huge in size, and the chili noodles do not play much of a role.

What should I do?

Can you just wait to die?

The behemoths at the back began to approach, and the demon birds hovered at the top of the tree. They felt that the clouds and dark winds had become their pockets.

When the dark wind saw the beginning of the cloud, he did not pay attention to him, and he did not mention it. He knew the nature of the cloud, and the things she decided could not be changed by others. He regretted it in his heart. He would have such a thing in the future. Miss Nine, must not give her a mess.

Finally, the monster once again trapped the cloud and the dark wind in the middle.

There is nothing to say now, I can only fight!

At the beginning of the cloud, five cockroaches were released. What kind of chili noodles, pepper noodles, and noodles were used. All the available means were used.

The strength gap is too big, and the number of monsters is dozens of them. It only supported for a quarter of an hour, and the dark wind was already seriously injured. Although the cloud was not injured, it obviously could not last long.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but ridicule myself. It’s really a man-made death for a dead bird. If it’s not greedy or in danger, it’s really hard to live!

Just when the goods thought it was mortal, a white figure galloped!

At the beginning of the cloud, I remembered a classic line: My favorite person is a hero of the world. One day, he will wear a golden armor and drive me with colorful clouds.

Between the sleeves of the people, the demon birds hovering on the top of the tree were screamed and screamed, and they flew away.

At the beginning of the cloud, he yelled at his neck and shouted: "Male god! Male god! I just love you! Help me to kill these shameless monsters!"

Those who are so mad, you are so embarrassed that we are shameless? Obviously you robbed our Nirvana beads, you are shameless!

The fifth is more. The remaining three chapters are updated at noon.

(End of this chapter)

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