Chapter 2022, I am wrong.

At the beginning of the cloud, the goods were indeed crying. I later wanted to take the sympathy of Emperor Beibei. By the way, this small wind wave passed, and I thought that Emperor Beibei did not pay attention to her!

This item does not come to Taiwan. Do you say that you continue to cry or continue to cry?

The goods cried and peeked at the emperor from the cracks of the fingers. As a result, he saw that the emperor was still cold-faced, so he had to pay a slap in the face. Whatever it is, no matter what, sleep first, then try to find a small face tomorrow.

When Emperor Beibei was hesitant to ask for the beginning of the cloud, he heard the crying stop and stopped. He looked down and found that the goods had fallen asleep at the beginning of the cloud!

Emperor Beibei shook his head and sighed, kissed him on the forehead of the cloud, and then closed his eyes.

In the early morning of the next morning, Yun opened his eyes and saw the sleeping face of Emperor Beibei. The eyes of this goods began to feel restless.

Hey, how can Xiaobai’s face grow so attractive? !

How can this eyelash be so long?

How can this nose look so good?

Blackheart Jiu Yue looked more and more and felt that he had a good eye for picking a male friend. However, she thought that she was crying like that yesterday, but she did not marry her, but could not help but feel a little angry.

Blackheart Jiuyue wants to be more angry, hey, I really want to draw a little king on his face!

Huh? This idea seems to be good!

Thinking of this, she sneaked out a charcoal pen from the storage ring. When she was preparing to paint, she saw the eyelids of Emperor Beibei moving, and immediately scared out the tent like a rabbit.

Emperor Beibei had long awakened, and he opened his eyes in confusion, wondering how the black things suddenly rushed out? Is it that I know that I am wrong, so I feel that I have no face to see him?

Emperor Beibei hooked the corner of the mouth, it seems that it is effective to give her a lesson, or else she will be tempted by her temper, and sooner or later she will get into trouble.

When Emperor Beibei thought of this, he felt that his mood was very good and he got out of the tent.

After seeing Emperor Beibei’s come out, Yun’s heart was stunned. She didn’t know that Xiaobai’s face didn’t see the charcoal in her hand. Wouldn’t it be out to find her?

When Emperor Bei saw the beginning of the cloud, he peeked at him, and confirmed his guess. He snorted: "Black things, do you know what is wrong?"

The first thing in the cloud is also a guilty conscience. When I heard the question from Emperor Beibei, this product thought that it was my own small movement that was noticed by Emperor Beibei. I sighed and said:

"I am wrong, I know it is wrong, I am very wrong!"

Emperor Beibei hooked his mouth: "Then you said, where are you wrong?"

"Male god, this, don't say this?!" Cloud first glanced at the dark wind not far away, this must be said, Xiaobai face must be angry and angry.

"Hey! You can do it, what can't you say?! If you don't say it, then you don't realize your own mistakes at all." Emperor Bei said unpleasantly.

"Male god, this is what you told me to say, then I can, but I really said it!" Yun began to reveal a look of death.

"Say! Don't wear it!" Emperor Beibei walked a few steps and sat down in a chair and said coldly.

"Okay, okay, I, I shouldn't want to paint on your face, draw a little king, I, I am wrong! I just didn't wake up, so my mind is not clear, you forgive me!" Blackheart said with his eyes closed.


Poor respect directly sat on the ground, hate to sew the mouth of the cloud!

The completion is completed.

(End of this chapter)

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