Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2044: The new black bird's new skills

Chapter 2044, the new skills of the little black bird

"Ha ha ha! Hahaha! Little black, are you swollen? Can you still fly up? Just like you still have a phoenix? Don't tease me!"

Emperor Bei’s eyes also twitched slightly, and the first time I saw such a fat bird, it was too ugly!

The little black bird is forced!

It feels like a 10,000 crit!

What happened to fat? Fat eat your rice? Still drinking in your home? It’s too bullying!

At the beginning of the cloud, I laughed for a while, and I asked with full expectation: "Little black, you swallowed Nirvana beads and added something!"

The little black bird guilty of smashing the mung bean eye: "That, the master, I just swallowed the nirvana beads, this is not refining. As the saying goes, the frozen three feet is not a cold day, I have to slowly cultivate... ”

The words of the little black bird have not been finished yet, and they have been kicked by the beginning of the cloud!

"You are a stock! You almost lost my life, you have no ability to grow up!! What is not a cold day, how can you eat a fat man at a time?!" The first time was so angry!

The little black bird desperately fluttered two short, fat little wings, and finally flew to a tree with a guilty neck. The guilty excuse: "Master, I am so fat because I swallowed Nirvana beads, wait for me. Digesting Nirvana Beads naturally loses weight. Master, you believe me, I will work hard to cultivate in the future, and one day I will fly to the sky!"

"Hey! Still flying into the sky? I think you are stinky!" Yun Chuan originally thought that it took such a big risk, the little black bird would add some of the skills of the cow fork, I did not expect that it was a bamboo basket to fetch water, I can imagine that her heart is depressed.

The emperor’s hand raised his hand, and the little black bird fell to the ground without control. The emperor’s north stared at it coldly, and the little black bird was scared. After the end, the big comet would not really want to Kill it? !

"I warned you, since you are following the black thing, don't have other thoughts. It seems that you have no long-term memory!" Emperor Beibei walked two steps forward and stood in front of the little blackbird.

The little black bird was so scared that he fainted and shouted with a trembling voice: "I just want to be stronger. I really have no other thoughts! Nirvana beads are too important for our Phoenix family, otherwise I will not So I want to get it! Master! Master! Help!"

The little black bird is really scared because it feels that this time the emperor really wants to kill it.

"Male god, Xiaohei..." The beginning of the cloud is somewhat unbearable and wants to ask for love.

"You shut up!! What is the use of such waste?! Kill it, and the deity will help you find a new spiritual pet, which is guaranteed to be 10,000 times stronger than such waste." Raised his right hand.

"I, I am useful! I am useful! I can use the fire of Nirvana!" The little blackbird sees the emperor's hand in the north and rises up, no longer dare to hide, and quickly said.

Emperor Beibei sneer again and again: "Since you can use the fire of Nirvana, why did Xiaoji just ask you, don't you say it? This kind of sneak peek is even more important!"

The little black bird knows that only the first cloud can save it. He hugged the ankle of the cloud with two short wings and slammed it: "Master! Master! I didn't mean to hide it. This Nirvana fire is only an adult phoenix. Can be used, I will fall into sleep once I use it, so I didn't say it.

Master, I was born and died with you, am I the kind of private bird? You really have to be dangerous, don't let me sleep once, just let me die, I am willing! Master, help! ”

(End of this chapter)

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