Chapter 2049, Mrs. Yeh

Mo Fangqin saw the beginning of the cloud and came back with excitement: "Big sister, are you back?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw Mofangqin, and my heart moved: "Three sisters, I picked some fruits in Luofeng Forest. You took me to see Qiu Niang, I gave her some taste."

Mo Fangqin was flattered: "Big sister, you just have to come back and take a break. You give me the fruit, I will hand it over to my mother."

"Nothing, idle is also idle, let's go!" Yunchu said that he couldn't help but say that Mo Fangqin had left the yard.

Mofangqin had to go to the courtyard of Qiu Yu Niang with the beginning of the cloud. Qiu Niang knew that she and her daughter could have such a comfortable day today, and they were all busy with the cloud, so I saw that Yunchu was very Feeling helpless.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but have a good time: "Autumn Ms. Niang, I will not eat people. What are you nervous about? These spirits are picked up by me in Luofeng Forest and given to you."

When Yun Yun said, he handed the autumn fruit to a fruit-fruit. These spirits were of course not picked by Luofeng Forest, but no one would care about it.

"Miss, you are too big to report to our mother and daughter, we are simply not convinced..." Qiu Niang said that she would fall when she said tears.

At the beginning of the cloud, he quickly sneaked into the war, and finally it was a funny autumn girl who broke into a smile, so the goods began to reveal the fox tail.

"Autumn Ms. Niang, in fact, I am very envious of the three sisters, she has your mother's protection. Hey, I have no mother, my heart is only knowing myself." Yun began to sigh and said, the eyes are still reddish It is.

"Missy, you, don't be too sad, now you have the love of the family, the future will be better and better." Qiu Niang comforted.

"Autumn Niangniang, though, but I still want my mother. Can you tell me what my mother is like, what kind of person is she?" Yunchu looked forward to seeing Qiu Niang.

Qiu Niang hesitated a moment, then said to Mofangqin: "Fang Qin, you go out to stare, I will talk to Missy."

When Mofangqin went out to stand on the post, Qiu Niang said: "When the old lady was married, she had already received Rockwell and me. I remember the first time I saw my wife, I was surprised by her appearance. I am still seeing such a beautiful person at the West."

"Autumn Ms. Niang, you said this when I said it. After all, I am so beautiful, my mother must look better." Yunchu said.

Qiu Niang’s eyes twitched. Obviously, she had never met such a shameless person. She paused and said: “At first, the lord was very diligent to the wife, but I don’t know why, but later it became more and more cold, almost no Into the lady's room. Later, on the day of the wife's birth, Miss you are missing, the lady has been lingering on the sickbed, and it has been less than a year."

Qiu Niangniang said that her eyes are reddish and she can only sigh the red face. Ye’s appearance is not only stunning, but also very powerful. He even died silently.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the eyes and then asked: "Aki Niangni, what about my ancestors? My mother died, they didn't come over and see?"

Qiu Niangang sighed: "I also heard that the wife's natal family Ye family is a first-class family in the East China, but the wife's mother is only a diverticulum, so the wife's status in the Ye family is very general.

However, even so, it is reasonable to say that the master is too high to climb, but somehow, the lady was transferred to the Fengli City by the name of the Ye family. The lord loves the beauty of his wife, and does not know what method he used to convince his wife to marry. ”

(End of this chapter)

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