Chapter 2059 Advanced Physical Chemistry

Mo Yan flashed a thought in his heart, but fortunately did not marry the grass to Zhao, or else according to her temper, maybe how to retaliate against the Mohist.

Yunchu and Mo Yan said that they were goingssip, and then they turned and left.

Ink immediately asked the steward to call Mo Cheng to the study: "Second second, the thing you gave me in the stomach, if you dare to reveal a sentence, don't blame me for being a father's hot and ruthless."

After the ink singer finished, staring coldly at the ink.

"Yes, yes, father, you can rest assured, I must keep my mouth shut." Mo Cheng has a feeling that if he dares not to agree, Mo Yan will kill him now.

Ink's face was slightly relieved: "The things of Rock's have passed in the past, and you should cheer up. I think that Qiu is very good. If you can add another man and a woman, take her. Help right."

Where did Mo Cheng dare to disagree, and quickly agreed, after Rock's things, he now has a lingering fear of a savvy woman, and feels that she is so reassured.

On the other hand, Yunchu began to daze after returning to Hexuan. Temporary is not going to be done for a while, what should I do?

This product is thinking about the movement of the heart, she has not been learning advanced materialization, it is better to study this time.

At the beginning of the cloud, he found the black cockroach: "Black cockroach, don't go anywhere this afternoon, you can explain the advanced materialization technique."

The black face looks like a slap in the face: "Miss, this advanced materialization technique can't be learned in one afternoon. I don't know much about it. Let's ask the homeowner to help you find a gentleman who specializes in materialization!"

"Please don't spend money on Mr.? There are so many nonsense, you have to go to lunch, and then come over and explain to me." Yun first gave him a look.

Black curled up and narrowed his neck and didn't dare to speak, but he didn't take it for granted. He thought that the beginning of the cloud was just a matter of coming out. Can he learn advanced materialization by relying on him in a few words?

Forget it, anyway, when the little ancestors did not learn, naturally let the owner give her a gentleman.

In the afternoon, Blackbird came to listen to Hexuan Barabala to briefly explain a few points of advanced materialization.

At the beginning of the cloud, I asked my eyes and asked a few places with doubts. Then I said, "Okay, I learned almost, you can go back."

Black face is awesome!

What the hell?

Did you learn less than two hours?


It is estimated that this little ancestor did not understand at all, so simply broke the jar and did not learn, it must be.

After the black scorpion left, the beginning of the cloud began to ponder the advanced materialization technique. In fact, this elementary, intermediate, and advanced materialization technique is similar, and the general principles are the same, but there are some subtle differences.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it for a while, and I went to the yard to start practicing. Anyway, the fangfang went to Qiu Niang, and Qingliu and Qingzhi were also supported by her.

After several trials, I finally succeeded!

However, at the beginning of the cloud, I saw a little piglet that was only happy and awkward.

Doesn't it mean that advanced materialization can only transform a spiritual beast? Is it a group that morphed out for Mao?

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at it carefully. These little piglets are more lively and smarter. It seems that there is not much difference between them and intermediate materialized techniques.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged. I thought that advanced materialization could be very good, but I didn’t expect much growth.

(End of this chapter)

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