Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2062: The wicked have their own wicked

Chapter 2062: The wicked have their own wicked

At the end of the family's decision, Liu Guan is responsible for the specific issues on both sides. After all, he is also experienced.

When Liu Guanwu learned the news, he was not ecstatic, but almost slammed on the ground!

His heart is rejected!

Because, through this period of contact, he has already determined and is extremely certain that the beginning of the cloud is a devil who eats people without bones!

Have you heard of who has backed up the recording stone several times?

Yes, that little devil! What's special, she was smashed by her five million top grades, and she didn't know how much she backed up.

This stinky head is simply a smart and close demon! It is simply not a person!

Liu Guanzhi’s heart was filled with lasagna tears and came to Mofu to see Mok and Yunchu. Now his attitude is very different from that of the beginning. Even on the chair, he only dared to sit half an ass, for fear of picking up the cloud.

After Mo Yan said some scenes, Yun Yunyi spoke: "Liu Guanshi, we really have a fate. After we look like we have to cooperate for a long time, are you happy and unhappy?"

Liu Guanshi bit his back and said: "Happy, happy, the slave is very happy."

"Liu Guanshi, you don't have to worry about the previous things. As long as you are interested, I can let countless five million break into your pocket. But if you don't know, you say that this western continent is so big, you With so many good things coming over, is it normal to have an accident?" Yun said at the beginning of the picture.

Liu Guanzhen almost sat on the ground, he certainly heard the subtext of the beginning of the cloud, if he is not honest, this little demon will send people to kill him.

Although he will be protected with several guards in the future, but a hundred secrets, maybe it will be found by this little demon, and this little devil can definitely say it.

"Miss Fangcao, you, you can rest assured, I know what to do." Liu Guanshi said when he wiped his sweat and was afraid that he would find a head to kill him.

"What are you doing so nervously? I am also talking about it. If you say that you are also a native, I am afraid to treat you. Let's discuss the specific things!" said Yun Xiaoxiao.

Liu Guanshi’s heart is dark, don’t you dare? You don't dare, why didn't my incisors? You dare not, how did my five million top grade Lingshi run in your pocket?

Since the early stage of the cloud was very well laid out, the next thing was very smooth, because what Yun said at the beginning of the cloud, Liu Guanwu had only one action, that is, nodded consent.

Ink can't help but be funny and emotional. If there is no grass, I am afraid that this Liu Guan will still be a kind of invisible appearance. The wicked have their own evil people, it really makes sense!

In the following period of time, the Mohist business is booming, and with the support of the Mohist family, even if there is a jealous, they dare not come to provocation.

Mo Peng and Mo Chang are also convinced that they are now convinced. After all, they have more pockets than before. Mo Cheng, although it is still not pleasing to the eye, but there is ink, he does not dare to say anything, so the days of the early days of the cloud are particularly moist.

In the blink of an eye, it was until the beginning of July, and the birthday of Yunchu was arrived.

Ink naturally will not let go of this opportunity to let the cloud begin to grateful to the Mohist, and host a grand birthday feast for Yunchu.

Mohist invited a lot of business partners and people with heads and faces. It was very lively when the ink house was intertwined.

(End of this chapter)

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