Chapter 2065 Brief Love Paper Short

At the beginning of the cloud, I was anxiously waiting. After the gods entered and entered, I heard the voice of the deaf and hoarseness of the emperor. The goods could not help but cry out.

This cargo was not touched, but rather scared. At the moment just now, she really thought that she would never see the emperor again. This feeling never wants to realize the second time.

The dark wind is also sour nose, secretly determined, must increase the spiritual power as soon as possible, find ways to help the dedication.

At the beginning of the cloud, I wiped my tears and picked up the voice. "Men, you really make me angry! I didn't tell you the last time, if you were seriously injured, would you open the wooden scorpion? Live it?"

Emperor Beibei looked up and closed his eyes. After a while, he said, "Well, I remember. Xiaojiu, you are waiting for me, I will solve the trouble as soon as possible, and will never leave you in the future."

When I heard the Emperor Beibei’s words, my heart was sour and sweet: “Men, you must take care of yourself. You can rest assured that I will never be lazy in the future. I will be strong as soon as possible. Whoever bullies you, I will kill them!"


Emperor Beibei and Yunchuyi chatted for a while, and the dark wind was naturally not standing on the sidelines, waiting in the courtyard for fun.

The length of the paper is short, and the two people seem to have a lot to say, and Yunchu finally reluctantly put away the voice, which reminds me of the dark wind outside.

"Little madman, I am too weak now. I will try to try it with the old fox tomorrow. The phoenix forest must not go. I heard that there is a thousand mountains in Fengli City, more than a thousand miles away. Just go there and try it out." Yunchu said to the dark wind.

The dark wind naturally had no objections, and the two discussed the details, and the dark wind turned and left.

At the beginning of the cloud, the ink gong and the two maids were not awakened. Anyway, tomorrow morning, they will naturally wake up.

The next day, Yunchu was told by her thoughts and ink.

Although Mo Yan was afraid of the danger of the beginning of the cloud, but also know the temper of this goods, had to tell her thousands of thousands of people to be careful.

"Floral grass, there is not only a powerful monster in the Qianlong Mountain, but there is a poisonous forest inside, you must avoid it, otherwise there will be more evil, understand?"

"Grandfather, I know. You can rest assured, for more than three months, as long as two months, I will come back, you also pay attention to the body." Yunchu said with a smile.

This kind of goods is awkward, hey, if the outsiders don’t know, how good is this feeling for the grandparents? ! In fact, it is really ironic that the other party is dead and the interests cannot be guaranteed.

Ink has sneaked again, thinking about it, almost biting the back molars and saying: "Floral grass, you go to the sinister, you go to our shop to pick more defensive spirits."

The reason why the ink sputum is so painful, because he knows that the cloud has never been known, and will definitely wipe out almost the entire shop. However, in order to save the life of the money tree, it is still worth it.

The first thing in the cloud is naturally not polite, and the people with black scorpion will start to sweep.

The best thing about this product is to hold the chicken feathers as an arrow, not only to wipe out the defensive spirits in the equipment shop, but also to sweep out what snack shops, grocery stores and the like.

Mo Yan had expected this result, so he only had a bitter smile when he received the report.

(End of this chapter)

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