Chapter 2069 spike

Zhao Lisheng did not take the purple needle as a matter of fact. He reached out and grabbed it. He wanted to pull back a city.

boom! boom!

After a few bursts of sound, Zhao Lisheng’s hands and arms were all blown up!

At the beginning of the cloud, the rolling pin was smashed against Zhao Lisheng’s head. Zhao Lisheng directly screamed and died.

The whole process is also a matter of time, almost all of them have not responded, and Zhao Lisheng has already shouted.

Blackbird and others were the first to see the murder of the cloud, and they discovered at this time that when the little ancestor killed, there was no escape from the monster, only three words, steady! quasi! ruthless!

The Zhao family’s people have just stopped stunned. After the reaction, naturally, they will not be willing to give up. Zhao Qian’s face is stunned: “Hey! You dare to kill my second brother! You are looking for death! I want to take your family. All the people have tried their best to avenge their hatred for my second brother."

At the beginning of the cloud, he sneered and said: "Revenge? I am afraid that you do not have this opportunity. I will send you on the road, lest your good brother, Huangquan Road, be lonely and lonely!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he said that he had thrown a thick two-character super-breaking rifle toward Zhao Qianhua and others. He also had a kind of learning, and gave them the super-breaking break before the cloud. Also turned to the Zhao family.

The Zhao family thought that the first thing they had thrown over was just a burst, and they didn't care too much. And they think that a few people in the beginning of the cloud are simply axe, Zhao Jia that is a family of Fu, and they fight with each other? It is simply looking for abuse.

Therefore, Zhao’s people just shunned a small distance to the side, and they felt that it was safe enough.

So, they are sad reminders!

After Yun Chuan and others threw out the first wave of super-product bursts, they did not stop. The symbols in their hands were like a source of money that was not like money.

The huge popping sound mixed with the screams of the Zhao family constantly rang, and the cloud first observed the wind direction, and the poke of the Zhao family threw the two sacks of chili noodles.

The Zhao family was so tossed, and at least half of the combat power was lost. Zhao Qianhua and others were simply mad!

How can there be so many cracks in the hand of this skunk? That is, they have not had so many cracks in Zhao’s family. Who is she?

However, after all, Zhao Jia was a family of Fushun, and soon thought of the method of cracking. Fuxi could only attack in a long-range attack, so he jumped over and sneaked away with Yunchu and others.

"Small, these live targets can be more practical than the monsters. This is a great opportunity for trials, and they give me a spiritual point!" said the cloud at first.

Blackbird and other people twitched in the corner of their eyes, ancestors, do we dare not spirit? Although the combat power of the Zhao family has weakened, it is still twice as strong as ours. If there is a mistake, it will be lost!

When Blackbird and others saw the dark wind and didn't come to help, they couldn't help but wonder. The mysterious man did not help Mao? Could it be that we can't wait until we can't come over?

The dark wind wanted to come over and help, but there was something in the beginning of the cloud, unless he had no need to help him, so he had to watch the game in the dark.

He is not worried at all. Although the spiritual power of the cloud is not as high as that of the Zhao family, there are not many people in the Zhao family, but she has bad water, and she will surely win a victory.

At the beginning of the cloud, they saw that they fell into the wind. They put four stupid things out: "You four lazy people, usually they are enjoying the success of following me, and they should come out to exercise, if they do not perform well. ,Humph!"

(End of this chapter)

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