Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2071: See the mermaid man again

Chapter 2071 sees the mermaid man again

Blackbird and others are now not at all dare to sneak out the four stupid things in the beginning of the cloud. What kind of masters have what kind of spiritual pets, and these goods are also dressed as pigs and tigers.

"Miss, although we destroyed the body of the Zhao family, but Zhao will not come to find someone for a long time, we must leave here as soon as possible." Black Donkey said.

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "You said it makes sense. However, I have to go to a place before I can go back to the ink house."


"A good place, poisonous forest." Yun said slowly and slowly.

Blackbird almost slammed on the ground!

Good place?

Are you sure you didn't talk nonsense?

The poisonous forest is the place to die without going back!

"Miss, the poisonous forest can't go, don't say it goes inside, people are dizzy at the edge." The black and anxious people almost cried, this is simply to die.

"I just go and see if I feel bad on the edge, I will come back. I will go in with the little madman. You go to the mountain pass next to the mountain and wait for us to prevent the Zhao family from coming to find people."

When the black scorpion saw the beginning of the cloud, his heart was determined, and he had to go down with his face.

The dark wind will naturally not worry about the beginning of the cloud, because the unlucky one will only be the poisonous forest!

The dark wind accompanied the clouds to the poisonous forest, and some high-order monsters on the road were shackled by the pressure of the dark wind, so they both went to the edge of the poisonous forest.

Although the dark wind brought the gas mask made by the cloud, it was still slightly dizzy.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw some darkness in the dark wind. I said, "You can't go in the little madman. After I add the ecstasy, I will come out to find you."

The dark wind eats a long, wise, and just goes in and adds chaos, or just wait outside.

After the beginning of the cloud and the dark wind separated, continue to walk inside the poisonous forest.

The grotesque inside Dan Tian are so happy that they are soaked, so delicious! Baby likes poisonous good things, it is so fragrant!

At the beginning of the cloud, she looked at it. She thought that the trees in the poisonous forest were poisonous, but they found that the trees were not poisonous. Where did these suffocates come from?

At the beginning of the cloud, she carefully proceeded to the inside. She found that the more she went inside, the stronger her suffocation, which means that the source of hernia should be inside.

After half an hour, the beginning of the cloud found the source of the suffocating gas, this product was surprised and stunned! Unexpectedly, the source of such a large suffocating gas turned out to be a small pool.

The small water pool is also three feet square, and there is a constant stream of suffocating.

When Yunchu was amazed, the strange grass in Dantian could not wait to express his willingness to drink.

Yunchu knows that if she doesn't act quickly, the weird grass will take control of the body in all likelihood, so she has to admit her life like a little king, and she starts to drink the poisonous water in the pool.

Originally, Yun Yun thought that it would take several hours to absorb the toxins in the pool. What I didn't expect was that the weeds quickly indicated that they would not have to drink any more.

This cargo allows the ball to get a few fish out into the pool. If the fish is alive, it means that there is no toxin in the pool.

At the beginning of the cloud, it was estimated that the weeds now grow a few leaves, so the toxins in the pool can be extracted quickly, which shortens the time.

When Yunqiu stood up, he felt that the suffocation in the woods began to weaken, and it is estimated that it will soon disappear.

This cargo has a slap in the eye. When I came here, I found that there are many high-level elixir in it. If it is cheap, it won’t take the bastard.

When Yunchu was planning to turn around and leave, there was a light blue mist floating in the water pool. The fog condensed out to be a man’s figure, specifically the shape of a mermaid man...

"Mermaid big brother?" The cloud screamed in surprise, the blue eyes, such as the long hair of the ink, this is clearly a mermaid man who has not seen for a long time.

At the beginning of the cloud, it is still possible to distinguish between illusion and reality. This is not a fantasy.

(End of this chapter)

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