Chapter 2074: The collapse of the Zhao family

In addition to some Zhao people, Zhao has recruited more than half of them. One of them is Fu Yi, who are dependent on Zhao to discuss life.

Now I was so moved by the beginning of the cloud, and suddenly there was no resistance mentality. Yes, they are just earning a good meal. Is it not the same for Zhao Jiagan or Mohkan? !

It seems now that Zhao’s family will definitely not be able to beat the Mohist family. Since this is not as good as surrendering!

As a result, many people have withdrawn from the war and stood on the sidelines.

The strength of the Zhao family is not as good as that of the Mohist family. These people have once again withdrawn, which has greatly weakened their strength and has no power to fight.

Elder Zhao Er has already smothered his eyes, and when he saw the beginning of the cloud, he suddenly rushed over at the beginning of the cloud, and it was a spiritual attack against the cloud.

After the light cloud escaped, he chuckled: "You want to find me to settle accounts? Think beautiful! Black, you have killed him for me."

Six people from the black scorpion have been protecting her after the beginning of the cloud. They heard that the elders of Zhao Er were in the middle and the two sides were killed.

Soon, Elder Zhao Er was overthrown and had no ability to resist.

At the beginning of the cloud, he was stunned by him. "Elder Zhao, look at your dying, I will tell you the truth! Zhao Lizhi and your son, they are all killed by me, do you think? Very surprised? Is it a surprise? The moment you put your idea on me, it is doomed that your Zhao family has no need to exist, so you can go on with your peace of mind and continue to be a slap in the Luo family!"

Elder Zhao Er hated and feared. He just dreamed of not dreaming. It was just because he wanted to count a small girl. In the end, he even took the whole Zhao family into it.

The thoughts of Elder Zhao Er came to an abrupt end, because the beginning of the cloud, the result of his life, knowing that too many people are not alive.

Then, Hei and others saw the scene of ruining the three views. I saw that Yunchu’s storage ring of Emperor Zhao’s storage was smashed down, and he naturally accepted his storage ring.

They suddenly remembered the unsolved case, and the storage ring of the Luojia family was estimated to have been taken away by this little ancestor? !

After two hours, this killing ended with the victory of the Mohist family.

Mok had experience this time. After killing the Zhao family, he took the storage ring and he did not let the goods that have been eyeing the enemy succeed.

However, a certain goods rely on the little black rat, and the storage ring of 7788 is not too small, and made a windfall.

Mo Yan was in a good mood. Not only did he have a bad smell, but he also took over the business of Zhao’s Fu, and the Mohist became the richest family in the West.

However, the problem has followed.

Moxi's ambitious preparations will continue to work hard and strive to return to the East China as soon as possible.

Mo Peng and others feel that the situation is very satisfied now. They don't need to think about anything back to the East. They can be more powerful in the Western Continent than in the East China.

Ink is simply hating iron and not forming steel. Without strong strength to guarantee, these money will change hands in a blink of an eye, so they angered and slammed Mo Peng and others.

Although Mo Peng and others confessed their mistakes verbally, they did not take it for granted. Moreover, they did not think that the Mohist family could return to the East China, so they still spend their days and enjoy themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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