Chapter 2081 under the black hand

Blackbird and others still said that they were perverted for the first time, and they were still smug expressions, and they were really abnormal!

The two hours were fleeting, and some people came from the depths of the valley. Some people were happy, and some people sighed.

The pedestrians also walked over from the inside, and they looked unremarkable. They did not find the seven-leaf hollow grass.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but gloat in my heart. Can't find it!

At this point, the lightning began to appear sporadically, and everyone rushed to run out, fearing that after a while, the lightning was drowned.

The beginning of the cloud is naturally not good enough to stay in it, and the goods are pretending to be interested in a worthless elixir, where it will be worn.

The dark wind is very clear about the routine of the cloud, so I played with one side: "Miss, the two hours are coming soon, you still have to go out."

"No hurry, no hurry, I will look again, let's go out first, don't lie next to me, listen to the trouble." Yunchu said impatiently.

The dark wind pretended to be anxious and straight, and Na Yun began to push them out quickly, and the dark wind had to go black and white and go back one step at a time.

Blackbird and others think that if they don't know, they will believe in the performance of the dark wind. This is also a talent!

Hanging eyes see the shape, could not help but licking your mouth, this stinky head is really killing yourself, it is best to be killed by the Thunder!

At this time, the lightning suddenly began to thicken, and everyone shouted out of the brain. Yun Yunyi also stood up and followed behind the crowd.

Hanging eyes saw the beginning of the cloud not far from their own, flashing a hint of haze inside the eyes, giving a look to the triangle eye followers.

The triangle eye nodded intently, and it was a palm to the beginning of the cloud.

The beginning of the cloud can be fully flashed, but the goods felt that they used this opportunity to stay in the valley, so they pretended to scream and fly out a dozen feet away and fainted to the ground.

The eye of the hanging eye looked back and couldn’t help but smile. This is the end of the offense.

The old man naturally saw the situation here, and his footsteps paused, and then continued to **** the hanging eyes to go away, but it was a little **** the western continent, and died when he died.

The rest of the people adhered to the principle of more than one thing, and naturally no one went to save the cloud, and let the cloud begin to "faint" there.

The crowd had just emerged from the thunderstorm valley, and the thunderstorm valley was once again shrouded by heavy lightning. The people felt a lot and then left.

The dark wind and other people naturally want to play a full set, so they asked anxiously: "The crowd, do you see my lady?"

Everyone blinked, for fear of offending the eye, so they all said that they didn't know.

The triangle eye followed the schadenfreude: "The stinky girl stumbled himself, it is estimated that he was killed by the Thunder! Haha!"

Blackbird and others immediately glared at him. If it wasn’t for the dark wind, it’s estimated that he would go to the triangle to kill. The dark wind couldn't help but sigh. Miss Nine really has two brushes. These people are not long after her, but they are very loyal.

The old man glanced at the triangular eyes and then said to the dark wind: "You Miss has been stumped by himself, and his head seems to be on a stone. If you don't feel at ease, go in and see."

The dark wind hugged the old man and then said to the black man and others: "You are waiting here, I will go in and see."

(End of this chapter)

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