Chapter 2084 A cluster of flames

I don't know if the red dot is scared. In short, I began to move in the direction of the hole.

At the beginning of the cloud, I discovered that although the small red dot is small, it is actually because the small red dot is deep in the stone wall. As it moves forward, the body size is getting bigger and bigger, and the cloud is surprised. This little red dot turned out to be a cluster of jumping flames.

The beginning of the cloud can not help but wonder, the flame can still become fine? There are so many wonderful things in this fairyland, but it’s useless to collect this flame! I knew that this is a useless thing, I wouldn’t waste time. I might as well dig a few high-level elixir.

When Yunchu was regretting that time, the fire suddenly rushed into the eyebrows of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I suddenly felt the pain of the gods being burned by the flames. I quickly meditated and began to look inside.

Within the knowledge of the beginning of the cloud, it is like the market of the market. The innumerable spirits hide it. The owner is naturally the first **** of the cloud, a mini-small cloud.

At this point, the cluster of flames is in the madness of the burning cloud, the gods are obviously afraid of the flames, they are curled up in the corner.

The sacred silver dragon of the rolling pin rushed in and saw the flame in the beginning of the burning cloud, and immediately rushed up.

Unexpectedly, the power of the flame is great, and the silver dragon doesn't say that it bites the flame. Just close, I feel that the body has to be roasted.

"Small fire, you come back, I will deal with it." Yun early found that the silver dragon is not the opponent of the flame, so the silver dragon returned.

At this time, due to the severe pain of the burning of the gods, both the body of the cloud and the **** of the gods showed a painful look. The burning of this kind of knowledge was even more painful than the original body burst.

The cluster of flames is obviously only shallow and intelligent. It can't talk, and it trembles triumphantly, while it is more crazy to burn the clouds.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that the flame should be shot with a thunder, so the flames were a few purple lightnings.

The flames suddenly smashed, but it was found that the purple lightning of the clouds was not too strong, and then they began to scream and tremble while burning.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that my head was awkward. It seemed that the whole person’s thoughts were still, and I couldn’t remember anything except the burning pain.

There is even a feeling of giving up on this, as long as you give up, you will not have these pains anymore, you will not have to endure the burning pain.

No, never give up!

Isn't it a bunch of flames? Let's see who is laughing at the end. The old lady can subdue so many spirits, can't stop you from breaking a flame? !

The first **** of the cloud began to meditate cross-legged, letting the fire burn, she did not move, as if it was set.

When the flames saw it, it began to burn even more madly. It felt that the knowledge of the beginning of the cloud would soon be burned. As long as the skunk head is burned to death, it can continue to go back to the cliff to practice, and sooner or later it will be built into a boulevard.

The silver dragon and those spirits curled up in the corner, only one thought in my heart, finished! Dead!

However, as time goes by, even if the look of the cloud is very painful, the knowledge of the beginning of the cloud is not burned to ashes as expected by the spirits. On the contrary, the sea seems to expand more.

The flames also found this change, and the Yuanshen, who could not help but be mad at the beginning of the cloud, rushed over. The stinky head couldn’t burn your sea, and burned your god.

(End of this chapter)

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