Chapter 2088 Ling Xuan 4th Floor

The dark wind was very puzzled. After I came in, I asked, "Miss Jiu, what do you have to order?"

At the beginning of the cloud, the right hand stretched out and smiled and said: "You see this lady's decoration is not good looking?"

When the dark wind looked down, I saw a cluster of bright red flames on the palm of the hand. It was very eye-catching.

The dark wind thought it was the first painting of the cloud, so it complimented: "Miss Jiu, your paintings are really beautiful, lifelike, and I think you have a bunch of flames in your palm!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he sighed: "Hey, where is my painting, this thing is also uninvited. I told you that after I entered the valley..."

Yunchu Barabala talked about the small flames and said: "Little madman, what kind of ghost thing do you say that little flame? What is the mark of my mark?"

The dark wind scratched his head: "Miss Nine, I don't know much about you. You don't know, where do I know? But I think that this thing is sealed inside the stone wall, and there is a heavenly guardian must be Not a good thing."

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard the eyebrows and smiled: "Nature is a good thing, or else the Heavenly King will not come to me. When I see Xiaobai face, I will ask him again, maybe he can know."

The dark wind twitched at the corner of the eye. Now, Miss Nine will be called a male **** unless she is looking for respect. Otherwise, she will call her a little white face. It is really a master.

"Miss Nine, what is your level of spiritual power now?"

"It's still okay, it broke through the three layers. It is now the fourth floor of Ling Xuan, or it is too weak. After a while, let's find a place to try again." Yunchu was not satisfied with the beginning.

The dark wind has been numb, and he feels that if he has no adventures, it is estimated that Miss Nine will soon catch up with him. At that time, I don’t know who protects it! It is too wrong for the Guardian to live on his part.

Hey, are people working hard? ! But encountering one or two is a metamorphosis, it is impossible to live!

The dark winds reminded the beginning of the cloud, this product adjusted the spiritual level of the dark poke to the six layers of the spirit.

The road was very smooth. After half a month, the flying spirits arrived at Fengli City.

At the beginning of the cloud, I came to see Mo Yan: "Grandfather, I am back!"

Ink sees the beginning of the cloud and returns safely, and the spiritual power of the cloud has broken through, and naturally it is very happy.

After talking a few words, Mo Yan asked: "How about your visit to the Far South, is there a need for trade?"

At the beginning of the cloud, this cargo took care of the treasure hunt. There was no time to inspect the market. However, the goods were lying and stalking, and they found a few excuses to smother the matter.

Ink did not have much hope, so I didn't go too far, and talked a few more words, let the cloud go back to rest.

When Yunchu had just taken a shower and prepared to sleep in the afternoon, Qingliu said, "Miss, the owner asked you to go to the study room."

The beginning of the cloud could not help but wonder, it seems that there is an urgent matter, or else she will not call her back.

After Yunchu’s arrival at the Mohlin study room, he saw the ink smack in the shape of color, and there was a little embarrassment in the excitement. She couldn’t help but wonder what happened.

"Grandfather, are you looking for me?"

"Fangcao, I wanted you to come back tomorrow, but my grandfather is so happy! Look, what is this?" Mo Yan picked up two red invitations on the book and handed it to Yunchu.

(End of this chapter)

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