Chapter 2090, Wu’s and Niu’s Plan

Mo Yan smiled and said: "You are a little girl, it is an iron cock! This money is spent naturally, you don't have to worry about the gift. Grandfather will ask Liu Guan to inquire about his family's preferences, and then prepare. ""

"Hey, grandfather, these are all our hard-earned money. Naturally, I have to be distressed. However, this is the first time I went. I am still a junior. I don’t know if my family will give me a face-to-face ceremony. "The cloud said with a sigh of relief."

Ink immediately thought of the situation when Yunqiu first came to the old house in Mofu, and his heart was a tremor: "The grass is not the place where you can make trouble. You don't want to come when you arrive."

"Grandfather, look at what you said, I am not a fool, of course, it will not be noisy, you can rest assured. If you are fine, I will go to my grandmother to go and I will buy some of the special products I saw on the road. "The cloud said at the beginning of the smile."

When Mok saw the beginning of the cloud, he said that he was relieved, and he waved his hand to signal that the cloud could go.

At the beginning of the cloud, he came to the main courtyard, where the laughter was heard, and Wu and Niu were accompanying Mrs. Liu’s wife.

"Grandma, I am coming to see you! Have you thought about me?" Seventy-two filial good granddaughters went online.

Mrs. Liu’s wife saw the beginning of the cloud and came up with a smile. “You have been a skin monkey for so long, and you are finally willing to come back!”

"Grandma, look at what you said, I just can give up other things, and I can't bear the grandmother! If I am not afraid of the rudeness of the dust, I just came to see you directly.

Grandmother, this is the food I brought to you, which I personally picked. You can try it. Big aunt, Sancha, you come over and taste. "The beginning of the cloud took out some of the food bought on the road from the storage ring and let everyone taste it."

Wu’s slightly fascinating said: “The child of the grass is not only able to do it but also filial piety. It’s no wonder that the girl hurts her.”

Niu also echoed the road: "The big man said that it makes sense. The child of the grass is really a good girl who picks one."


At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but laugh. Was this Wu’s and Niu’s drinking honey this morning? Although she usually pleases her, but she is not so explicit, I am afraid it is another plan?

Sure enough, Wu said that the front is a turn: "Mother, the grass has been eighteen this year, is this supposed to consider the marriage? My maiden is three years older than the grass, the instrument is in the hall, my mother's nephew is also In the grass, look, or else let them come over, do you look at each other?"

Niu Shi listened to Wu’s saying, and quickly said: “Mother, my mother’s nephew and grass are also quite old, and the qualifications for cultivation are very good. It’s better to let my sister-in-law and nephew come over, do you look at each other?

At the beginning of the cloud, I was drinking tea there. I heard that Wu and Niu’s two people said that they almost laughed. These two people are really playing the wishful thinking. Is this going to marry me and then indirectly master the Mohist? It’s really stupid!

Mrs. Liu’s wife slammed the tea bowl to the ground: “Two idiots that have been blinded by the lard! Are the two things in your maiden worthy of the grass? Don’t think that your mind and wife don’t know, I tell you, You will die this heart!"

Wu and Niu were smashed into a dog's blood sprinkler. Although they admit their mistakes, they are sneer in their hearts. Hey, the old lady said it is good. It is estimated that she wants to keep the grass to her family. It is really a good calculation!

The fifth is more. The remaining three chapters are updated at noon, plus a more chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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