Chapter 2093, staying in the house

Liu Guanzhi felt that this was a great opportunity to be diligent, and immediately bought a lot of snacks for Yunchu.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was very appreciative to look at Liu Guanshi. Liu Guanzhen suddenly felt that the sky was blue, and the cloud was white. The little demon estimated that he would not find it for a while.

The Mojia family is the largest family in Fuhucheng, occupying two streets. Liu Guanwu came to the Mojiawufang with Mohyun and Yunchu, which is the five uncles that Moss has been in contact with. Five rooms.

Liu Guanshi is also a five-room person. Naturally, he is familiar with the road, waiting for the ink in the doorway with the ink and the clouds, and then letting people go all night.

After a while, only a steward-like person came over.

The man and Liu Guanxi had a chill, and even the eyes did not give Mo Zhen and Yunchu the first time, until Liu Guanshi stopped him, he asked directly: "Zhu Guanjia, how do the five elders say?"

"The five elders said that he is old, afraid of being sad after meeting, so I will not see you for a while, or wait until the wedding is goodbye." The Zhu Guanjia said arrogantly.

Liu Guanwu had to ask: "What about the other masters of the five rooms? The residence of the four masters and Miss Fangcao?"

Zhu Guanjia only took a look at Mo Yan and Yunchu, and Xiao Xiao said with a smile: "The other masters are also very busy. Where can I see them?! We have a lot of people in the five rooms, you Just find two to live for them."

Mo Yan's face is blue, although he has a certain mental preparation, he feels that he may be treated slowly after arriving at home, but it is too much to be harsh.

When Liu Guanzhen saw the beginning of the cloud, he had a smile on his mouth, and his heart was a sudden one. The subconscious person stepped back a few steps. He felt that this Zhu Guanjia had a bad mold.

Sure enough, Yun Yunyi went two steps forward: "Are you a five-room butler?"

Zhu Guanjia thought that Yunchu was the fortress's advantage for him, and he couldn't help but grin. "Yes, I am the housekeeper of the five rooms. You can't look at the things on the western continent. You don't have to waste your time. The difference, your people on the Western continent are inferior, although I am a slave, but also..."

Snapped! Snapped!

Zhu Guanjia’s words were interrupted by two loud slaps, and Zhu’s face immediately swollen, and even the rear molars were fanned.

Zhu Guanjia has been beaten! He just dreamed and didn't expect that a little girl from the western continent would dare to beat him! Although he is a five-room butler, how can he not be stronger than these inferiors? !

"You, you a little monk, dare to hit me? Come, take this stinky head to me." Zhu Guanjia screamed at the gang, said evilly.

Liu Guanyin screamed, and sure enough, he knew that the little devil would not be suffocated, but just came over and gave the housekeeper of the five-bedroom house. How do you end up now?

Although Mo Yan felt that the two palms were too deflated, but some complained that the clouds were at the beginning, and that dissatisfaction did not necessarily have to be done. What can be done now when things are too big?

When several guards at the door heard the words of Zhu Guanjia, they surrounded the cloud in the middle. The cloud smiled coldly at the beginning: "Whoever wants to move me today, I will let others land, don't believe us." ”

Although the guards felt that the clouds were talking loudly, they were hesitant for a while. Anyway, this little girl is a branch lady. If it really starts, it may be blamed.

(End of this chapter)

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