Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2100: The reason for shopping spree

Chapter 2100 Reasons for Shopping Spree

At the beginning of the cloud, Shake his head and shook his head: "I can't talk nonsense. I just said that I was vulgar. I won't say it, don't say it, I will buy some rouge gouache in your shop!"

When Yun Yun said, he entered a shop of rouge gouache and began to pick the favorite rouge powder.

The shopkeeper of the rouge shop is not close to the mouth, Barabara began to introduce, the cloud is as bold as ever: "Well, these are all for me, I bought it."

When the shopkeeper saw Chunxiao and the buddy counted the rouge gouache that the cloud had bought, he whispered to Yunyun: "Miss, why are you buying so many things in the end? You can rest assured that after you and I finish, I will definitely not tell others. ""

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked around, and this lowered my voice and said:

"Hey, I see you are also a trustworthy person, then I will talk to you!"

It’s not awkward, you see it too. I’m just a little girl. This is definitely a junior in the Moh family. I thought that I will come here. Those elders will say something to me. After all, my grandfather gave it. They prepared a very rich gift.

When I thought of it, I didn't even get a melon skin, and no one gave me a face-to-face ceremony. I am a face of love again. If this is going back to the western continent, when someone asks me, I can't get anything from the face. On the one hand, I am a shame, and on the other hand, I am embarrassed, so I intend to Buy something in your pocket and go back and tell others that this is the meeting that the family gave me.

I will talk to you alone about this matter. You should never say to others that if I was told that I said it, my grandfather had to kill me. ”

In the eyes of the shopkeeper of the rouge shop, there was a raging gossip fire, and nodded and said: "Miss, you can rest assured, I will definitely not tell others, welcome you to come back next time."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded, and this took Chunxiao to continue to go to other shops to sweep.

The shopkeeper of the rouge shop turned a few laps inside the shop, hesitated for a moment, and felt that this heart was really uncomfortable. I heard that such explosive news would not be shared with others. Is it too uncomfortable? !

Forget it, I will tell the old Li who is next door to the shop, I believe he will not say to others, as long as it does not spread out, this is not my opinion.

So, the boss of the rouge shop came to the equipment shop next door, and called the Li shopkeeper of the equipment shop aside, mysteriously said: "Old Li, I tell you a big secret! I know, that ink Why did Fangcao buy so many things."

The boss who equipped the shop suddenly had a bright eye: "Old Zhou, you are telling me, why is this? I have to be curious to die!"

"I listened to the little sister of my sister-in-law's little sister-in-law. I said that the five houses of the Mohist family did not give the ink grass to a meeting. The Guangshun branch gave a generous gift to each of the masters. Hey, this Mojiawu The room is really a trick!

I guess this Miss Fangcai bought so many things, it is estimated that it is a pity to go back to the scene. "The shopkeeper of the rouge shop told him what he had told him at the beginning of the cloud, and Barabara said it again."

"Ah, this is the case! It is estimated that the Mohist Five Houses simply can't afford Guangshun. After all, the people on the Western Continent are inferior. They are high on the top, where can they get?"


After the shopkeeper of the rouge shop satisfies the heart of the gossip, the shopkeeper of the week must not say to others, and this leaves.

The shopkeeper who equipped the shop turned a few laps inside the house. I felt that such a bad news didn't share it. It was estimated that I couldn't sleep well at night, so I shared the news to the shopkeeper of Satin.

Qi shopkeeper told the news to the shopkeeper of the snack shop...

(End of this chapter)

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