Chapter 2112 was hit.

When Mo Yan heard the first words of the cloud, she glanced at her. The reason why everyone did not mention the situation inside the alchemy furnace was to give her some face. After all, it was a little girl, afraid that her skin would not come down. Taiwan, I did not expect her to come forward.

"In this case, open the lid of the alchemy furnace." The elders shook their heads secretly, and the little girl was too young and full of energy.

At the beginning of the cloud, Xiaoxiao smiled and opened the lid of the alchemy furnace. Then the little face was pumped into a ball and sighed: "Hey, the grandmother said it was right, I still owe it!"

The elders and other people stood some distance from the console, so they did not see the situation inside the alchemy furnace. When they heard the cloud, they said that they were in a good mood. It is estimated that this rate may not reach 30%.

"Fangcao Shantou, you are still young, you can refine a Yuan Ling Dan is already very good, don't be discouraged, and make persistent efforts in the future." Mo Yanquan said.

"That is, Yuan Ling Dan is a ten-level medicinal medicine after all, even if you can refine one piece, it is very powerful." Although Mo Yanan had some gloating in his heart, he also advised him.

Momo took a look at the beginning of the cloud: "Now I know that the sky is thick and thick? I still boast about what the rate of Cheng Dan is 80%? The result? My grandfather told you not to be proud before, you can do it well, get axe in front of the uncle, wait for you to go back, Introspection."

The reason why Mo Zhen said this is to block the mouth of the elders first, lest the elders take the opportunity to punish the cloud.

The elders naturally understand the meaning of ink, and they don’t care. He is so old, he still doesn’t care about a small donkey. He just wanted to check this ink grass. Now it seems that there is no need. It is.

"Grandfather, what you said is right, but, however, I have refining eight Yuan Ling Dan! I am just a pity, only four are top grade medicines. I originally thought that there were six pieces this time. Shangpin Dan medicine!" Yunchu said with a look of regret.


Everyone rushed to the front of the alchemy furnace. I saw that there were eight rounds of medicinal herbs in addition to the residue of some herbs in the bottom of the alchemy furnace. Four of them were obviously top grade, and the other four were slightly glossy. Poor, it is a Chinese product.

Everyone was forced by the moment!

Actually, is it really successful in refining?

How is this possible?

Doesn't it mean that it is a big taboo to open the Dan furnace cover in the middle? What's more, Xiao Shantou also added a piece of falling English to the inside, how can it still reach 80% of the alchemy rate? Even the quality is still so high?

After everyone was surprised, I felt a little embarrassed. After all, I just had a big garlic for a long time, and I was beaten now.

The elders coughed twice: "The grass is hoeing, and you will refine a ten-level bone graft."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded and brushed the alchemy furnace. He began to refine the bones in the beginning. This time, the goods have long experience, so as not to be adjusted in the middle, directly at the beginning of the refining, the fire was deliberately enlarged. Some, this will reduce the Dandan rate and the quality of the drug.

Everyone smelled a scorching smell, and at the same time, a thought flashed in my heart. It seems that this little girl was beaten up before, and the cat encountered a dead mouse. This time the original shape is revealed!

(End of this chapter)

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