Chapter 2114 The Spicy Great Elders

Ink 霄霆 霄霆 狠狠 , , , , , , , , , , , , 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳

Unexpectedly, the elders are obviously still very useful, haha ​​laughed: "You little sweet mouth is really sweet, go back and practice well."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded his head and did not continue to flatter. After all, this flattering is technical, and it’s bad on the legs, so it’s almost done.

When everyone returned to the study room and chilled a few words, the elders took up the teacup, and everyone got up and said goodbye.

Ink had all wanted to stay in the ink for lunch, but when he saw that Mo Yan insisted on leaving, he had to send the three people out of the government.

When Mok turned all over, he returned to the courtyard of the elders. At this time, the elders were in a different shape than the ones they just said: "Hey, are they gone?"

Momo nodded all the time, then asked with concern: "Father, are you okay? You should not take the kind of tiger wolf medicine, I will find an excuse not to let them see you."

"Hey, my body couldn't have been able to resist for a long time. The old five are blind, and those few are not safe. If I don't show one side, they will definitely endlessly tempted! Others think this Mohist Everyone has a lot of prestige, actually knowing it!

The scourge of the Xiao wall is the beginning of a family demise. It is absolutely impossible to allow this to happen. When I will not be able to do it, I will bring the four restless points together and will not leave you trouble. ”

Although the ink of the ink fell to the ground, but the back was slightly cold, the face was naturally unnatural.

The elders are good at the world and understand what he thinks and thinks. He snorted: "Do you think that the father is too ruthless? Hey! You, you are good, just too indecisive.

Yes, I admit that it is really ruthless to kill them all, but as long as I die, if the four of them are still alive, they will force you to give up the position of the family. By then, the Mohist family will be a violent storm. At that time, it is not the problem of four people who died. It is very likely that the Mohist family will be replaced by people and uprooted! ”

Ink's face is full of sorrow: "Father, son is wrong! Say that the ability to go to the son is not enough, there is no way to let other four rooms convinced, let you worry."

The elders sighed: "I have looked at your efforts, but your character is here. Progress is limited. Yonghui and Junkun are also steadfast and lack of development. I am afraid that it will not be as good as you in the future. So, I have to solve the four restless things, or you will definitely not be able to cope in the future."

Mo Yan heard the shame of the elders, and he knew that the elders said that they were all true. Once the elders died, the other four elders had their own elders to support the palace. When the Mohist family would be chaotic.

The father and son were silent for a moment, and Mo Yan had nothing to look for. If he wanted to adjust the atmosphere, he asked: "Father, what do you think of the cockroach and the grass?"

"The **** is very shrewd, but the horizon is limited. As for the grass hoe, it is somewhat unexpected. According to the information you collected, the meeting is probably designed by the little girl, plus the wedding banquet. The words mentioned above, this little girl is very intelligent, and the mind is quite deep." The elders said thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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