Chapter 2116 Plays White Lotus

Some people can’t see the mood in the first place. When everyone is drinking tea, Mo Fangzhu smiles and says:

"Sister Fang, your words at the wedding banquet really make my sister feel deeply. I want to come to you as a talented person. I don’t know if my sister is good at or good at it. Why don't you show it to us? And let my sister open her eyes."

The reason why Mo Fangzhu said this is because she has been involved in these things. She was previously married at the wedding banquet and wanted to find it. Moreover, she felt that the temperament of the cloud was not as talented as it was. The previous words were just the slapsticks.

When I heard the words of Mo Fangzhu, everyone’s eyes gathered on the cloud.

Ink creases slightly frowning, and the grass is written like a dog. She has never heard of her playing the piano, and she is even more difficult to play chess. Unless it is painting, it is estimated to be embarrassing.

When Mo Fangzhu saw the look of ink, the heart was even more bottomed. It seems that this ink grass is a straw bag that does not learn anything.

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled a little: "Fang Zhu sister, I can play chess and calligraphy, but this does not reflect my talent. It is better to do this. I will write a word and you will definitely miss it."

"Fang Cao sister laughed, although her sister is not talented, but the word is still fully recognized." Mo Fangzhu is simply happy, she began to read at the age of three, and the words she did not know? !

"In this case, let's make a bet. If I write the word, you missed it, and Fangzhu’s sister lost to me 100,000 yuan. If you don’t miss it, then I will lose you ten. Wan Shangpin Lingshi, Fangzhu sister can dare to gamble with me?" Yunchu 玖 玖 micro-band provocatively said, idle is also idle, abused white lotus to send and send time is not bad.

Under the eyes of the public, Mo Fangzhu will certainly not recognize: "Well, let's say a word, you can write it! However, we can say good, can't be ancient scripts and alien scripts."

"That is natural."

Immediately, the servant lifted up a small square table and prepared a pen and ink basket.

At the beginning of the cloud, I walked to the front, picked up the pen, and brushed a word.

When Mo Fangzhu saw the word, he almost got angry!

"You, you, you are cheating! What you write is ‘wrong’. Of course, I am wrong in reading it!” Mo Fangzhu almost screamed, and now she understands that Yunqi is playing her.

At the beginning of the cloud, he said with a grievance: "Fang Zhu sister, I am just an innocent joke! Why are you still in a hurry? If so, I don’t want your 100,000 top grades, just be me. Nothing is said."

Mo Fangzhu's face is red, and the cloud is so early that she is like a narrow-minded person who can't open her jokes. She is reluctant to reluctantly like the 100,000-like spirits. The gas is grinning and saying: "Hey! Although you win by means, I Will the person who is willing to lose, is not the 100,000 top quality stone, what is great!"

The first thing in the cloud will not push the stone that was sent to the door. He smiled and said: "Since Fangzhu’s sister insisted on giving it, then I will accept it with a thick face, thank you Fangzhu sister!"

Mo Fangzhu glanced at her, and she was not in the mood to let the cloud begin to perform any chess and paintings. She hated to kill her on the spot.

With such an episode, the atmosphere inside the house was even more embarrassing. As if the ink was sitting on a needle felt, he quickly got up and said goodbye.

(End of this chapter)

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