Chapter 2134 Purple Piglets

When Yunchu was planning to release a wave of spiritual piglets again, he saw those spiritual piglets with faint physiques reunited to form a purple spiritual pig.

This spiritual pig is not only different in color from the previous spiritual piglets, but also has a larger body size than the previous spiritual piglets.

The purple pig suddenly rushed toward the masked man's face. The masked man was so embarrassed that he was so embarrassed that he was stunned by the purple pig.

The face of the masked man was pasted by the purple pig, which gave the cloud a chance to use the symbol.

At the beginning of the cloud, the dark wind and the fine iron shovel all retreat, and the super-product bursts are constantly moving toward the masked man.

This cargo knows that there is only one chance. If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to kill this masked person, then there is no chance to defeat it again. Therefore, the hands of the goods kept throwing the cracks, and almost the sack of the super product burst.

The huge popping sound kept ringing, and there was a scream of hooded people inside. The ground was quickly pulled out of a deep pit.

At the beginning of the cloud, the students were afraid of the incompleteness of the masked man’s death, and they threw a half-burst spoiler, which was carefully brought to the edge of the pit.

I saw that the bottom of the deep pit was black and black. At the beginning of the cloud, I asked the No. 1 to look around. I only found a storage ring and a few pieces of jade pieces. It seems that the masked person has been fried into powder.

"Miss Nine, someone is coming!" the dark wind whispered.

"It is estimated that it is a Mohist person. Let's go first, I will cope with it myself." Yun said at the beginning of the cloud and seized the contents of the pit.

The goods thought about it and smashed his face and clothes with black ash, then jumped to the bottom of the pit, lying on his back.

Just a huge burst of sound, the Mojiawufang and the Mojia big house not far from here, and even the other three houses on the other street were also alarmed, so they all sent people to check it out.

When everyone saw the deep pit on the ground, they were shocked. Is this artificial or natural disaster? If it is artificial, then the two people in the battle are too horrible, right?

At this time, the ink scorpion saw the beginning of the cloud at the bottom of the pit, and the head slammed, the grass **** would not be dead, right? !

Mo Yan quickly smashed the sword and flew to the bottom of the pit. When he saw the nose of the cloud, he was relieved and the money tree was still alive!

At the beginning of the cloud, the machine opened his eyes and said with a look of horror: "Grandfather, grandfather! Scared me!"

Ink has comforted a bit, and this has turned the cloud back to the deep pit. The first thing the Moh family did was not to care about the weight of the cloud, but asked what was going on.

At the beginning of the cloud, he said with horror: "I just stopped from the big house and was stopped by a masked person. He said that the business of the Mohist monopoly on the East and the West is not authentic. I have to kill me to give the Mohist a little color to see.

The man is very spiritual. I am his opponent. I was stunned in the palm of my hand. I don’t know what happened behind. Originally, I thought that I would die, and I thought that I was still alive, hey, my grandfather, scared me! ”

Everyone in the Moh family listened to the words of Yunchu, and they couldn’t help but talk about it. "There is nothing wrong with the singularity of the grass. I will go back to the five rooms first! Let's have four of you coming to the big room tomorrow, let's talk about this thing. ""

(End of this chapter)

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