Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2160: Let you remember for a long time

Chapter 2160 gives you a long memory

Zhu Jinghu glanced, then laughed: "Mo Fangjiao, your lie is too far-fetched. If you didn't go to bed with me, where is the blood on this bed?"

Mo Fangjiao picked up the sleeve of the left arm and had a scratch that had not healed. He sneered: "The blood on the bed is caused by my broken arm. Zhu Jinghu, you Zhu Jiacai is big, I can't afford it. You, but advise you, go through the night and go to the ghosts sooner or later, you can do it yourself!"

After Mo Fangjiao finished, he took the veil that had already been prepared and rushed out of the room.

Zhu Jinghu is annoyed. This ink Fangjiao seems to be a simple mind. I didn't expect to put him together. It is really abhorrent!

When Zhu Jinghu was annoyed, the door that was originally opened was suddenly closed!

Zhu Jinghu’s glimpse, at this moment, the wind came from behind the head, and he was stunned by something before he responded.

When Zhu Jinghu woke up, he found that he was lying on the ground, and the strange thing was that except for the neck, the rest could not move, just like the evil.

When Zhu Jinghu was afraid of uneasiness, he heard a woman’s voice of Ai Ai saying: "Zhu Lang, Zhu Lang, you are so miserable! I am alone below, you come down with me!"

Zhu Jinghu can only hear the sound but can't see people. He is scared and shouted: "You, who are you? You, where are you? You, don't come over!"

"Zhu Lang, don't you even remember who I am? Then you will go back to me and think about it!"

Zhu Jinghu felt that his neck was tight and seemed to be caught by something. He said in a hurry: "You, you are Cuihuan? Yaner? Shout? Lifang? Or winter?"

"Even my name can't remember, you are a heart-rending man, I have to dig up your heart and eat it!" The voice said coldly.

Zhu Jinghu is scared of urine. He is now completely convinced that he is a ghost, because no one can call him to save him, and he is still surprised that he can’t move. This kind of stiffness is not caused by spiritual restraint. It is the body that is not under your control.

"Grandma, I beg you, as long as you spare me, I will definitely change the past, I will burn you money when I go back, please give me a practice, you spare me!" Zhu Jinghu snotted a tear A pleading.

"Burning paper money? If you have trouble, just donate your storage ring!"

With the voice, Zhu Jinghu felt that the storage ring on his right hand was smashed down and disappeared.

"Grandma, since the storage ring you took away, you will spare me!" Zhu Jinghu pleaded.

"You can spare, but you have to be long-term!"

Zhu Jinghu is wondering what the long story of the female ghost is, and he feels the pain in his face, and then faints.

Before Zhu Jinghu’s fainting, I heard the female ghost sullen and said: “I warn you that today’s things are not allowed to be rumored, or else Cuihuan, Yaner, whisper, Lifang and Donger will come to you together! ”

When Zhu Jinghu regained consciousness, he was awakened by his own triangle eyes: "Young master, young master, what's wrong with you?"

Zhu Jinghu raised his arms and found that he was able to move, and his physical strength recovered. When he looked at his right hand, it was empty, and the gods knew the pain. It was obvious that the gods on the storage ring were erased by humans.

He felt the pain in his face unbearable. He touched his hand and touched a handful of blood. He rushed to the mirror in the room and saw a large fork on his face. It was terrible.

Zhu Jinghu screamed and fainted again.

(End of this chapter)

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