Chapter 2164 Four-month period

After listening to the beginning of the cloud, the hunchback promised: "What's the problem?! You are relieved, I will send you a pass for a four-month stay.

By the way, little girl, I have been here for the rest of the year. You don’t have to come in person next time. Send your hand to come over, I will give you a four-month permit.

The little girl you are so clever will not do anything bad at all, and there is no need to check what is going on. ”

The beginning of the cloud reveals the color of surprise, covering his mouth with his hand, an unbelievable look: "Adult, this, is this really true? Will it cause you trouble?"

The self-confidence of hunchback suddenly expanded, and I shot my chest: "I can still be the master of this little thing, you can rest assured!"

The beginning of the cloud is naturally a thank-you, compliment is like taking money out of the way, the hunchback must be shoulder to shoulder with the sun!

The two chatted for a while, and the hunchback took the cloud back to the office, and looked at Liu Guanshi.

The reason why the hunchback looked at Liu Guanshi was to remember him when he came next time. Liu Guanzhi thought about it. What did this little ancestor say to this manager? Looking at him for Mao’s management? Is it difficult for the little ancestors to design him with bad water? No, he hasn’t provoked his ancestors recently!

Humpback quickly managed to hand over a temporary pass to Yunchu, and Yunchu took the pass and happily took Liu Guan to board the flight.

After the flight spirit traveled for a certain distance, Yunchu sang a beckoning to Liu Guanwu: "Liu Guan, you come, I will let you see a good thing."

Liu Guanshi’s face was inexplicable. After coming over, Yun’s first swaying with a jade.

"Miss Fangcao, this, isn't this a temporary pass?" Liu asked inexplicably.

At the beginning of the cloud, he licked his mouth and handed the temporary pass in his hand to Liu Guanwu. Liu Guan took it over and saw it, then forced it!

"Four or four months? Not right! We have only two months of permission. Why is your temporary pass a four-month period?" Liu Guanyed blinked his eyes and read it one word at a time.

"Oh, oh, Liu Guanshi, so you have to continue to learn! You have to learn a lot of things! Although we have only two months of permission, but the two people are not together for four months? Now my grandfather Going back, of course, it’s four months for me to leave myself!” Yun said with a look at the beginning.

This product feels that this million stone flower is simply too valuable! This saves at least half a month in and out of the room, and it doesn't take her to come over again, it saves a lot of time. What is the time? Time is money! One million Lingshi small meaning!

Liu Guanzhen is simply forced, and also brought this play? I have never heard of anyone who can pass a crowd of people, which is incredible!

When Liu Guanzheng was in a hurry, Yun Yun said at a very early time: "Do you know why the hunchback has been staring at you?"

Liu Guanwu shook his head in a blank voice: "I don't know if the old slaves, do you know the reason?"

"Well, the reason why the hunchback looks at you is to remember your looks. Because when I change the temporary pass next time, I don't have to come in person. You can take my temporary pass and change it, and give it back to me. Change for four months."

(End of this chapter)

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