Chapter 2167, some of you are like

The beginning of the cloud has been silent, and those people ridiculed a few words. Seeing no meaning, I intend to leave.

Just then, a girl in white clothes said with amazement: "Ice feather, how do you see that the earthen buns are a bit like you?"

Before the people really did not look at the appearance of the cloud, I heard the white girl said that many people’s eyes fell on the cloud, especially the red girl, her annoyed discovery, the opposite The earthen bun is quite similar to her long five-point. The most abominable thing is that the earthen buns are more beautiful than her.

The girl in red felt that her face could not be hanged, and she glanced at the girl in white: "Liu Jinxi, you take me and a waste, what do you care about?"

The white girl, that is, Liu Jinxi’s face said: "I just said it, let me say, she can compare with you wherever waste. Don't be angry, if you look at her, it is not pleasing to the eye, let people kill them." ”

At the beginning of the cloud, his eyes blinked and he said that the murder was so natural. It seems that this Liu Jinxi is not a good thing, and his family should be good. He may also be a child of the first-class family.

Didn't wait for the red girl to talk, a man who looks a little like Liu Jinxi yelled: "Koi, restless nonsense! Ice feather sister, we still look for colorful crystal mushrooms, hurry and hurry."

The man was obviously the leader among the young people, so even though Liu Jinxi and the red girl were looking for trouble with the cloud, they followed the man and went inside.

Seeing that Liu Jinxi and others were missing, Liu Guanshi wiped the sweat on his head, and even the back was soaked, almost with a crying saying: "Miss Fangcao, if I guess it is good, Those people are first-class families, not what we can provoke. If you want to try, let's change places, or else meet them again, maybe there will be disaster!"

At the beginning of the cloud, her eyes flashed, and she also knew that if she really played it, her current strength would be to hit the stone.

At the beginning of the cloud, he finally decided to avoid Liu Jinxi and others. Anyway, the gentleman’s revenge is not too late, and he will walk afterwards.

So I asked Liu Guanwu: "Go ahead, is there such a large forest?"

Liu Guanshi did not dare to lie, but he said truthfully: "Although there are still a few forests, the area is very small."

At the beginning of the cloud, I blinked and meditated for a while: "Let's go, let's go to the west, so that we won't meet them."

When Liu Guanwu heard the words of Yunchu, he thought it was OK. After all, this is two directions, and it should not be met with those people.

So, everyone went around a dozen miles to the west of the psychedelic forest and continued to go inside.

At this time, a 30-step iron bone wild boar rushed out and screamed straight to the beginning of the cloud.

The guards at the back just wanted to help, and Yunyun shouted loudly: "Don't worry, I will deal with it."

The beginning of the cloud was originally suffocating in my heart. Seeing this **** iron-bone wild boar who didn’t pounce on it, but when she rushed over to her, she was even more angry! What's special, the persimmons are softly pinched, even if you have a pig bullying the old lady? Let you come back today!

Liu Guanshi and those guards are all helpless. This lady of the grass is good, that is, she loves her face too much. You only have six layers of spirit. This thirty-order iron boar is equivalent to the nine layers of the spirit. You can OK?

(End of this chapter)

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