Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2170: Want to eat poisonous mushrooms (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 2170 Want to eat poisonous mushrooms (seeking a monthly pass)

In the afternoon, Yunchu had killed two thirty-three-order monsters.

When I was eating at night, Yunchu looked at Liu’s six people and smiled and said: “I am a good person, but if someone tells me some secrets, I will be very upset. I am not happy. The consequences, Liu Guanshi knows?"

Liu Guanxi couldn’t help but immediately understand the meaning of Yun’s first words. Immediately, he said, “Miss Fangcao, you can rest assured that what happened in the psychedelic forest, I must keep my mouth shut and will not tell anyone. If I say If you have a word, let me thunder and not die."

The other five guards were not stupid. They immediately made a poisonous oath like Liu Guan.

At the beginning of the cloud, he smiled and said: "Hey, I will say that, you see that you are still taking it seriously!"

Liu Guanwu and the five guards’ eyes twitched, and it’s cheap to sell it. Do they dare not take it seriously? What do you mean by holding a large kitchen knife in your hand?

In the next few days, Yunchu was looking for a test of the beast at the edge of the psychedelic forest. Liu Guanwu and the five guards were fortunate enough to see the metamorphosis of the purple needle.

They are already numb, and anyway, Miss Fangcao is abnormal, so any abnormal things happen to her is normal, really, all normal.

On the morning of the sixth day, Liu Guan said to Yunchu: "Miss Fangcao, we have been in this psychedelic forest for five days, let's leave."

At the beginning of the cloud, she nodded. Although she was drunk with poisonous mushrooms in the center of the psychedelic forest, she found that the level of the monster in this psychedelic forest was too high. She could not reach the center of the ecstasy forest, so she did not plan. Adventure traveled.

I have to say that the last time I was in the Luofeng Forest, this product still learned the lesson, things are good, if the risk is too great, it is not risky.

"Master, do you really want to eat those poisonous mushrooms?" The small mushroom that filled the mushroom in the corner of the spirit beast suddenly asked the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I said, "That is natural. I heard that the smell of poisonous mushrooms is very delicious. I want to get some stew."

"This is easy to handle. I will help you with the master. You are waiting here." Little mushroom said confidently.

The beginning of the cloud will be suspicious, small mushrooms will not be talking big? How does it poison her with mushrooms?

Liu Guanwu saw the beginning of the cloud and said, but the legs did not move, but had to bite the scalp and asked: "Miss Fangcao, should we go outside?"

"I am not in a hurry, I am a little sleepy, I feel like we are going again!" Yunchu said, yawning.

Liu Guanyin’s eyes twitched, and you’re just lie, you want to lie, please find a sincere excuse, okay? When you get up for an hour, are you sleepy? Are you having trouble playing?

Although Liu Guanshi spoke in his heart, he did not dare to say more. He had to guard the cloud in the middle with the five guards. He watched the cloud sitting on the ground with his legs crossed and closed his eyes.

After a while, everyone smelled a fascinating aroma, a scent that makes the soul tremble!

Liu Guanwu and the five guards’ eyes were a little distracted. When they stood up, they planned to follow the aroma.

At the beginning of the cloud, they quickly jumped up and took a homemade gas mask from the storage ring and gave them a sigh: "Hurry up, this fragrance is poisonous!"

Eighth. Bamboo finished the task today, great! Monthly ticket, recommended ticket, various tickets to bamboo!

(End of this chapter)

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