Chapter 2173 Searching

Yunchu knows that if he is not cautious today, I am afraid it is difficult to get out of it, so I took out a gas mask from the storage ring: "We have relied on this for a while and then ran out."

The Liu Jinxi’s brother was curious to take over the gas mask in the hands of Yunchu’s hand. After studying it, he couldn’t help but marvel: “The principle of this gadget is very simple, but the design is very clever, but it can be maintained for a little while. Children will not be poisoned."

Liu Jinyu looked at the curiosity and looked at it. He snorted: "This thing is what they will use. We only need to take the grass and detoxification to support an hour. We don't need these broken things."

At the beginning of the cloud, he said faintly: "You, since things have all been asked, can we leave?"

Liu Jinyan waved his hand impatiently: "Let's go! Let's go! It is estimated that you don't have the ability to pick up colorful crystal mushrooms."

When the first day of the cloud turned and was about to leave, Ye Bingyu suddenly said coldly: "Catch them all and search for them."

When the guards heard Ye Bingyu say this, they immediately jumped forward and surrounded the seven people in the middle of the cloud, which was to be searched.

"Wait! Miss Ye, since you have no evidence that we have taken colorful crystal mushrooms, why do we search for us? What's more, this psychedelic forest is not the site of your Ye Family. What rights do you have for us? "The beginning of the cloud is very calm, but the anger in my heart suddenly rises. It seems that Ye Family is not a good thing!

Ye Bingyu couldn't help but smile: "It's no wonder that Koi said that you are a dumpling. The immortal continent is strong and respectful. How can there be so many reasons? Don't say that we just search, kill you, and you have to suffer!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he chuckled and turned to look at Liu Jinxi’s brother: "This son, what do you say?"

Liu Jinxi’s brother frowned slightly and said to Ye Bingyu: “Ice feathers, they are not like lying, or looking for colorful crystal mushrooms, it’s not a matter of life.”

Ye Bingyu said with dissatisfaction: "The older brother, the importance of this colorful crystal mushroom, you know, so you can't miss one thousand. You can't miss one. Besides, it's just a few wastes. What can you do? If you have any problems? Afraid to be implicated, your Liu family's guards don't start, our Ye family's guards do it themselves."

The Liu Pinyan apparently had a good impression on Ye Bingyu. When she heard Ye Bingyu say this, her face could not be hanged. She turned to the cloud and said: "This girl, the colorful crystal mushroom is very important to us, as long as you hand it over, or let We searched, I promise not to kill you."

Liu Guanshi has been soaked in cold sweat at this time, and the voice is lowered. He said to the cloud, "Miss, anyway, we didn't take any colorful crystal mushrooms, let them search. You are Miss, let the opposite lady search for you. There is nothing in the body."

At the beginning of the cloud, I was cold: "Liu Guanshi, it seems that you still haven't learned my essence. Some things can be bowed, you can make a decision, but some things are related to dignity. Even if you know it is not good, you can't compromise!" I won't let them search. If you give in today, don't follow me anymore."

Liu Guanshi and the five guards looked at each other. In fact, they are not the first person in the cloud, but they are loaned to her by the five rooms. They are entangled...

(End of this chapter)

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