Chapter 2177, you lose weight.

"Ice feather, you are so smart! You said it makes sense. Their spiritual strength must be a third-class family. After two months, whether you want to renew your passport or return to the western continent, you will definitely go to the east-western border. The land, when we come to a wait-and-see rabbit!" Liu Jinyi said with a look.

Liu Pinyan also added a few words on the side. Although Liu is also a first-class family, he is still a little worse than Ye Family, so Liu’s brother and sister still owe some anger in front of Ye Bingyu.

Ye Bingyu heard the flattery of Liu’s brother and sister, and his face was a little better. You must go to the passport in person, and you must be able to break the corpse.

On the other hand, the cloud that was hated by them was on the flight and felt the chin.

What Ye Bingyu can think of, Yunchu can naturally think of this, the goods feel that the one million top grade Lingshi flowers are too valuable, or else those people may be ambushed at the junction of the East and West after two months.

At the beginning of the cloud, Liu called six people in front of him and looked at them. "In order to prevent you from being recognized, starting from today, you have a beard without a beard. You have a beard and shave! Liu Guanshi, you lose weight. !"

Liu Guanzhi is simply crying, but compared with the small life, weight loss shaving is not a big deal. After all, he often has to go out to talk about business, and the risk of exposure is relatively large.

"Miss Fangcao, then, what about you?" Liu Guanwu asked with courage.

"I? I am not afraid of exposure, and I will take the initiative to find the little scum to communicate and communicate feelings, but it is not now." Yunchu slammed the hook and said, Ye Jia will go sooner or later, not to mention not even sin This Ye Bingyu, Ye Jia has also sent people to kill her.

Liu Guanshi did not dare to ask again. He felt that everyone was cheated by this lady of the grass. She must have a lot of things to sneak at the Mohist people. For example, the sudden appearance of the dark guard could not see through his cultivation, at least It should be the spiritual power of the spiritual level.

This dark guard can't leave the ink to her, because it is impossible to have such a master around me, then the problem is coming! How can a little girl from a lower continent have a superbly guardian? There must be someone behind her back to support her.

"After going back, don't say that we went to the psychedelic forest for trials, and said that I took you to the mountains to play with water! Liu Guanshi, you go there more places, to write a set of rhetoric, we unify the caliber." The first commander said.

Liu Guanwu promised, and soon made up a set of rhetoric, everyone unified the caliber.

The people are afraid that Ye Bingyu and others will catch up, so the speed of flying the spirits is the fastest. The four-day journey has arrived in Fuhu City in three days.

The next day, Yunchu said that the situation on the road was simple and the elders said it again.

The elders heard that the Yunchu had actually got a temporary pass for four months, and it was also a surprise. The heart said that this little girl must be perfect!

In the next few days, in addition to learning alchemy with the elders, Yunchu was pondering the Ye family.

Originally, she intended to slowly figure out, slowly holding the Mohist family in her hands, and then using this as capital to enter the Ye family, and then find out the truth that her mother was delisted.

However, the plan has not changed quickly. Now, not only does Yejia send people to kill her, but he also offended Ye Bingyu. According to Ye Bingyu’s personality, he will definitely not give up. How is it good?

There is also a chapter, after finishing writing.

(End of this chapter)

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