Chapter 2186 is a weird test

At the beginning of the cloud, four people entered the Tiantian Academy with the crowd. At the beginning of the cloud, they looked curiously and looked at it. It is the top institution of the Xianyuan continent. This scale seems to be at least ten Yuanyuanyuan.

The senior students have not officially started school, so everyone has only encountered a few scattered students. Those students are curious about pointing at the people who participated in the test. The bloodlessness of the red dress is the focus, and this is no exception.

Of course, the cloud of his side is also borrowed, and the topic is enduring.

#刑天学院入学测试 is the most handsome candidate! #

#刑天学院Enrollment test surprised the most waste candidates! #

#灵尊六层 also want to pass the entrance test? It’s just an idiot saying a dream! #


There are tens of thousands of people participating in the entrance test. The cloud is in the heart of the early days. It is estimated that this criminal college is too short of money, so it depends on the registration fee.

Everyone went to the Axe Square of the Criminal Academy. In the middle of the square is a huge axe statue. Although it is only a statue, everyone can feel the savage and solemnity of the ancient artifacts.

The drool from the beginning of the cloud is coming out quickly. This axe looks really good. It must be better than a big kitchen knife and a doughnut. If you can get it, it will be perfect!

It is reasonable to say that you are guilty of slobbering in your heart, and that you are secretly drooling. What kind of ghost are you touching and touching? !

The 10,000 people who participated in the test, as well as the mentor of the Criminal Heaven Academy, saw a little girl squeezed out of the crowd and ran to the statue of the apocalypse, and swallowed.

The instructor in charge of the test frowned and shouted: "The student who participated in the test, what are you doing?"

The first thing in the cloud is a natural saying: "This instructor, I have always admired the Tiantian Academy. Today I finally entered the Tiantian Academy. I couldn’t control the excitement when I saw the apocalypse! But now, I am not going to do this in the serious moment of preparing for the test. I know it is wrong. I will go back."

After the beginning of the cloud, she returned to her original position.

The instructor’s eyes twitched. Well, his lines were finished by the little girl! However, this little girl is so good for Zhoutian College, but it is a pity that the spiritual power is too low. It is estimated that the first round will be eliminated and she will not be blamed.

The instructor thought of this, coughed twice, and then said: "You are meditating now, and you will start the first round of testing right away."

Everyone heard the words, they meditated in the same place, and they were very puzzled. What is the content of this first round of testing? How to test this in situ?

Just then, the instructor said: "The test begins."

After everyone heard it, they were nervous about waiting for the test, but they found that nothing happened, and everyone could not help but force it!

Is this a test of our meditation?

The doubts of the people did not last long. There were several rays rising around the square, and everyone fell into their own illusions...

Blood Promise only seems to have made a long dream. When I opened my eyes, I found that I was not on the Axe Square, but in a bedroom.

The main thing is that he found himself lying on the bed at this time. He wanted to sit up and found that there was no way to move the rest of his body except his own head.

(End of this chapter)

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