Chapter 2189

After half an hour, some people wake up and start to raise their hands. The responsible instructor will let the waking candidates go to the other side of the square.

At the beginning of the cloud, there were almost a hundred people who saw that they were awake. This was a black stamp with a hand that screwed the bloodless arm.

Blood Promise This product is being "destroyed" by the female satyr. After being awakened by the pain, some of them looked around awkwardly, and I don’t know whether it was disappointment or something else. In short, it was a bit stunned.

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes of the cloud flashed, and there must be something in the black-bone head to glare at her. What happened?

Now, when it wasn’t too much to ask, Yun’s first use the same method to wake up Mo Fangbing, and then gave Mo Fangbing a concealed look.

Mo Fangbing will know what to do, and quietly wake up the golden branch next to it.

At the beginning of the cloud, the goods were afraid of being found to be stupid, and they gave the three people a special look. The four people raised their hands after a period of time, and then they all stood in the designated area.

The priest’s teacher flashed a fine light in his eyes. Other instructors did not see it, but he always paid attention to the beginning of the cloud, naturally seeing her little movements clearly.

However, he did not say anything. Although there is a credit for the beginning of the cloud, more importantly, he feels that the little girl has some evil doors. Even in such a short period of time, the illusion is broken. Is it the purity of the mind or the hidden truth? Look at it.

After an hour, the tens of thousands of candidates, only 5,000 people soberly stood in the designated area. The rest of the people are still addicted to the illusion.

The Pang mentor waved his hand, and the responsible instructor withdrew the illusion, and the candidates were awake.

Although I was not willing, but the result was fixed, I had to leave with a dejected look.

Although the candidates passed by, they were very excited, but they were full of concerns about the second round of testing. The elimination rate was too amazing. I don't know if I can pass the second round of testing.

The Pang instructor glanced at the crowd, and the candidate who was still whispering, suddenly became silent. Although they are afraid that the responsible tutor is not happy, the more important reason is that the Pang tutor used the pressure, his spiritual power is much higher than them, and the candidates’ legs are a little soft, let alone gossip. .

The priest’s gaze once again fell on the cloud, and saw that the little girl was looking at him with a smile, and blinked at him.

Pang tutor...

Pang's mentor has a hunch in his heart, and Bacheng’s 80% recruited a enchanting! He shook his head again, it must have been too busy recently, so his mind was a little too big. Do not say anything else, that little girl has only six layers of spiritual respect, how can it pass the test?

Pang’s instructor calmed down his mood, and he said in a deep voice: “The second round of tests is a group of four people. After the team is finished, the team leader will go to the instructor to get the jade card of the record. Give you a moment. For the time of the clock, if no team is successful in the end, the instructor will designate the team."

After listening to the words of Pang’s mentor, everyone began to form a free team.

At the beginning of the cloud, the four of them were naturally a group, and the team leader did not need to choose. The small nine team leader was officially launched.

The small nine group leader took a piece of jade and came back with a number that had her relationship - two hundred and fifty.

At the beginning of the cloud, he touched his chin and the bloodless three people said: "You said that this is the end. What if there are one or two people left? Is it difficult to achieve the wheel? If that is the case, you will find someone to replace me. I am in the air! ”

Bloodless three people...

(End of this chapter)

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