Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2192: If you don’t agree, you can eat it.

Chapter 2192, if you don’t agree, you can eat it.

The nest where the cloud is located is a stone cave. There are some bones and furs on the ground, and the taste is very unpleasant.

This cave is very large, so it can be judged that the body of this nest must be very large.

When the clouds were looking around, they heard a few horrible beasts, and a huge monster came in from the cave.

At the beginning of the cloud, these evils have filled up a lot of knowledge, recognizing that this is a forty-order pioneer sword.

When the top of the pioneer sword saw the beginning of the cloud, it was obvious that he was wondering how to give it a weak human skull. Six layers of spiritual respect? Play it?

After the stunned swordsmanship, the fierce roar began, and the two sharp teeth shimmered in the cold, step by step toward the beginning of the cloud.

The beginning of the cloud is like a dog!


Forty-order monsters?

It is no wonder that if someone automatically fires the jade card and even eliminates it, it is estimated that the timid person will be scared to death! The 40th-order monster is equivalent to the spirit of the human monk from the sixth to the seventh.

However, the movement of this goods, it is estimated that these monsters are just scaring people, not really eat people, if the hostages are awkward, but also test a wool!

After the goods figured out this, he smiled and said: "Like an adult, let's talk frankly. I guess your task is to look at me. If you can scare me to fire the jade card, it's better, right? ”

The pioneer saber-toothed elephant thought that it would scream a few times. This weak chicken and small human would faint or inspire the jade card. I didn’t expect to be able to talk to it. A little evil!

When the cloud saw the pioneer swords, there was no reaction. Then he said, "I am a big man from a small courage, so don't scare me. If the voice is too loud, maybe the cave will collapse. You are not hungry. Hungry? I have a monster meat here, give it to you?"

Where did the pioneer saber-toothed elephant think of the change of the painting style at the beginning of the cloud? It was sent out in a word, but it thought, since the little girl had guessed it, it is estimated that it would be useless to scare her. It is not bad to eat something. .

At the beginning of the cloud, there was no objection to the pioneer saber-toothed elephant, and a body of a golden-edged tiger was thrown from the storage ring.

The pioneer saber tooth smelled like it, and there was no abnormality before it was eaten.

At the beginning of the cloud, she looked at it. She was planning to poison it, but she thought it was not appropriate. Can you succeed? In addition, the main saber-toothed sword is also to protect the hostage in a certain sense. If it is a fart, maybe other monsters will attack the hostages, and it will not be worth the loss.

At the beginning of the cloud, it is very harmonious with the swords of the pioneers. It does not mean that other candidates will get along well. There are successive candidates who are hostages, unable to withstand the huge fears, and the jade cards are transmitted to the Axe Square.

Once the candidates of the hostages are sent out, the candidates in the same group will be sent out, and naturally, they will blame each other.

At this point, the test has passed three hours, and the blue dot position on the topographic map keeps changing.

Pang Tutor glanced at the topographic map of the 250-group and looked at the topographic maps of other groups. He shook his head and saw that strength was the last word.

The blue dot of the 250-group has fallen behind many other teams. It is estimated that the spiritual power is too low, so the speed is slowed down. If this continues, it must be eliminated.

The fifth is more. The remaining three chapters are updated at noon, and a more chapter will be added.

(End of this chapter)

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