Did you eat dinner in Chapter 2196?

The bloodless three people looked at the top of the cloud with the swords and teeth on their backs. God, what is going on?

Doesn't it mean that their small team leader is going to be a hostage?

I have never heard that the hostages are so free and easy. How do you see this meaning that the hostage has changed?

Is this pioneer sword tooth like crazy or stupid? Why did you get a ride on this ride?

When the three people had not slowed down, they felt that the white light flashed. The first time the cloud was thrown to the pioneer sword teeth like a few bottles of medicinal herbs, and shouted crisply: "Thank you! See you!"

Although this cargo is badly watery, it is still principled to be a man, and the promises made must be completed.

When the four people recovered their sights, they found that they were already on the Axe Square.

The square was as bright as white, and the instructors looked at them with their eyes closed, and they were all looking at the clouds.

At the beginning of the cloud, the smile of the goods was waved at the crowd: "The tutors, have not eaten dinner? If you have not eaten, I invite everyone to eat barbecue!"

The instructors were obviously stunned by the mysterious style of the cloud, and looked at her with a blank look.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t care. The elated and **** three people began to build a bonfire, and began to deal with the monster meat. After a while, the aroma of the barbecue was filled with the axe square.

The tutors really didn't have dinner, and at this time they smelled the aroma of the barbecue and couldn't help but swallow. Therefore, it took advantage of the barbecue that Yunchu and other people handed over.

Although they also occasionally eat this barbecue, but the first time in the axe square to eat barbecue, I do not know if it is an illusion, I always feel that this little steamed bread tastes more delicious.

Pang's tutor did not stop it. It was not a bribe to eat some barbecue. If he said it, he would not admit it. He also stunned!

This food and drink can get close to the relationship. Soon after the cloud, the goods will be put out of the eight generations of the ancestors.

There are only three people in the blood, and there is only one "clothing" in my heart. This product can be said too much. I have never seen her mouth stop, and it is really a enchanting voice to talk to each other's heart.

Of course, some of these mentors still have a very cold attitude toward Yunchu and others, and obviously they are not able to marry them.

At the beginning of the cloud, she didn’t care, she still smiled. She was not a spiritual stone. Naturally, everyone would not like it. The strategy of this product is that it is a good one. If you can't draw it, it is good to mix your face.

Everyone eats almost, and the first few clouds make the bloodless three people clean and hygienic, and then they go to the corner to meditate without affecting the rest of the mentor.

Pang’s mentor couldn’t help but nod his head. Regardless of the spiritual strength of this little girl, this eyesight is really rare.

Pang's instructor meditated for a while, but because he was the chief instructor, he opened his eyes in less than two hours and looked at the big screen.

The fastest teams are only less than two hours away from the Wicked Nest, and it is estimated that candidates will be sent out after dawn.

Pang's mentor subconsciously swept to the corner where the four people were in the beginning of the cloud. Only three people were left there, and the little girl disappeared.

Pang’s instructor was shocked and looked around. When he saw the beginning of the cloud, he was very happy!

I saw that the little girl was facing the night pearls around the square, but it seems that there is a thief, no thief, just reluctant to touch it.

The ninth. Continue in the early hours.

(End of this chapter)

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