Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2198: Randomly assigned competitors

Chapter 2198 Randomly Assigned Competitors

The eye of the hanging eye sees the deep and deep eyes of the cloud, exudes the cold light of infiltration, and involuntarily retreats a few steps.

When the eye of the hanging eye has not responded, I feel a cold on the neck, and there is a cold voice in the back of the cloud: "If you provoke me again, I will let your head move! Do not believe, you will try!"

The eye of the hanging eye was a little trembling, but it was still stern and said: "You, dare?! If you hurt me, you don't want to enter the Criminal Academy!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled coldly: "I can't go to the prison school and compare with your little life. Which one do you think is important? Roll!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the big kitchen knife was closed, and it was a foot to the eye.

The hanging eye was taken out ten miles away, and was caught by his companion. He finally fell and lost his ugliness.

The face of the hanging eye was blue and white, and I wanted to go to the cloud to find the account again. His companion slammed him: "Jingtie, forget it! If things get too big, you will be punished. Look for opportunities to clean up her."

The eye of the hanging eye bite the tooth, smashed a few words, followed the companion to the other side to meditate.

Although the dispute between the two is not too big, it is still seen by the minded person. Pang tutor is one of them.

He couldn't help but be a little surprised. The candidate was a five-layered refinement of Ling Xuan. The ink grass was just six layers of spiritual respect. How could he possibly hold the candidate in an instant? This body is too fast, right?

This little girl hides a lot of secrets! I don't know what she is, and it seems to be a fire root.

After the second round of testing, Pang Tutor took the stage and announced the third round of test content:

“The third round of testing is still in the group. Each two teams compete for a place to enter the next round of testing. Which team will arrive at the designated location first, and the token will be won if it is won, but all four must arrive before it is valid. .

In addition, the two teams are not allowed to fight, and if found, both teams are eliminated. This round of tests is still banned and banned, and now the competitors are randomly assigned. ”

In the early days of Yun’s heart, I couldn’t help feeling. This is a lot of tricks from the Criminal Academy. It’s a bit interesting! Just, I don’t know which unfortunate group and their confrontation, they run into the small nine team leader and they are unlucky!

Blood Promise quickly found a group against them on the big screen - the tenth group, although the goods are not afraid of fear, but can not help but feel tight, the tenth group in these groups The top five, actually met them! What's special, it's really bad luck!

The face of Jin Zhi and Mo Fangbing is not very good. If they encounter a team with similar strength, they can still fight, but the strength of the tenth group is much higher than them.

Two of the four people in the tenth group are the seven layers of Ling Xuan, two of which are the six layers of Ling Xuan. On the side of the cloud, the blood is the first layer of Ling Xuan, the golden branch is also the layer of Ling Xuan, and the ink is slightly better. Some are just the second floor of Ling Xuan, and there is also a cloud of the "spiritual six layers", how to see how there is no chance of winning.

Compared with the dejectedness of the bloodless people, the four people in the tenth group were very proud. They felt that it was simply too simple to take this waste group.

The leader of the tenth group was Liang Hong. He went to the front of the cloud and said in a madness: "You have no chance of winning anyway. You simply abstain from it! You can be less guilty."

(End of this chapter)

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