Chapter 2200 True Loss

"Xiaojiu, this direction seems to be the direction of the tenth group. Shouldn't we choose another route?" Jinzhi asked inexplicably.

Blood Promise and Mo Fangbing are also puzzled and look at the beginning of the cloud. If they are on the same route as the tenth group, where did they win the tenth group?

A smile at the beginning of the cloud: "This is the saga of this group leader! I just saw it. This third round of tests not only examines the spiritual power, but also examines the endurance. We are now at least three positions from the end point. The time of day.

Instead of choosing another route, we might as well sneak behind the tenth group. Let them clean up the obstacles for us, let us enjoy their achievements in the back!

At the end of the day, their spiritual power is almost exhausted, let's come back with a latecomer, mad at him! ”

The bloodless three looked at each other and raised their thumbs and lost! Really damaged! This method is simply ruined!

However, I have to admit that this method is simply fantastic! The tenth group was in front of the front, and they recharged their batteries in the back. In the end, they rushed to the front and made sure they could get ahead.

In the next period of time, the four people at the beginning of the cloud were leisurely behind the tenth group. Anyway, they kept a distance and they could not find it.

What's more, the tenth group is dreaming, and I don't think there are people who are so shameless, and they are enjoying themselves behind them.

The rapid passage of time, in any case, can take three days to get results, so Pang Tutor temporarily left the Axe Square to deal with some other things.

The remaining instructors only occasionally pay attention to the topographic map on the big screen, and the rest of the time is taking turns to rest and meditate.

When everyone is free, they will talk about the test. One of the instructors said: "This third round of tests, the most disparity in strength, should be the tenth group and the 250th group. The result is simply No suspense."

"Yes, the strength of the tenth group is much stronger than that of the 250 team. The winner must be the tenth group. In fact, the second round of testing, the 250 team is just an opportunistic. This third round She just wants to take the opportunity to take the chance to do it!"


After hearing the opinions of the people, the warm-hearted gentleman looked up at the big screen and then opened his mouth and held it!

"You, you listen to me, it seems that the group of two hundred and fifty is opportunistic again!" Wen tutor said with a stern look.

When everyone heard the words of the warm mentor, they all asked: "Why, what do you mean by the warm mentor? This third round of tests is about spirituality and endurance, and teamwork. How can it be opportunistic?"

The gentleman smiled a bit and then pointed to the big screen: "You will know when you look at it!"

The crowd did not pay much attention to the two groups of Yunchu and Liang Hong before. After all, there is no suspense in winning and losing. Now, listening to the temperature tutor, they have looked up to see the topographic maps of the two groups.

Each pair of the two teams participating in the showdown is marked with a red spot and a blue spot. Only the blue spot and the red light on the other topographic maps are two different routes. For example, one of the choices approaches the target from the east, and the other chooses to approach the target from the west.

Even if the route chosen is not in two directions, at least it is far away, for fear of being influenced by the other party, and also preventing the other party from knowing their own progress.

But what happened to the 10th and 250th teams?

(End of this chapter)

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