Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2205: Array vulnerability (monthly ticket)

Chapter 2205 Holes in the Array (seeking a monthly pass)

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the four heads and thirty-five-order bloodthirsty wind-blade wolves in front of me. The sigh of anger: "What's special! It's hard to deal with one head. Now it's four heads. It's pure heart, don't want us to pass. Test it! Who designed this broken test? It’s too shameful!”

The melon mentors are not calm, this is not right! When designing, there are separate monsters. How come this time suddenly appeared four monsters? And is it still so high in spiritual power?

Is it a loophole in the formation?

Pang's tutor frowned: "Warm mentor, you immediately go to the law to see if there is any problem with the formation? Why are there four high-level monsters? If it is a question of the formation, let them solve it immediately. ”

The warm mentor promised a quick exit, and his heart was also biased towards the cloud, and he couldn’t fly to the law immediately.

The warm mentor flew all the way, and when they went to the law, they talked about things. The several instructors in charge of the law were quick to check, and then they found a fact that was shocking, happy, and helpless. The array method derived the spirit!

Although the array method is still controlled by them in the general direction, the spirit can adjust some details without authorization. In other words, the people at the beginning of the cloud are unable to do things!

The warm mentor fluttered to the Axe Square, and said things through the people. The hearts of the people immediately flashed a thought. It seems that the heavenly roots of this day cannot even help the spirits. The future of Mofang grass is really worrying!

At this time, the bloodless four people on the screen did not play against the four bloodthirsty wind blade wolves. The little girl was talking to the four wolves...

"Four wolves, I am so happy today!" said Yun Xiaoxiao, who said that the curse was not what she said.

The four heads of bloodthirsty wind blade wolf face horror, this little girl is sick? Or is it scared by them? This psychological capacity is too bad, right? The weak chicken is really a weak chicken.

"Four wolves, do you think I am sick? Actually, I am normal. I said that I am very happy. I didn't expect to see so many wolves like Sirius. I can die in you." In my hand, I am dead and have no regrets!"

Four bloodthirsty wind blade wolf face sluggish, Sirius? Sirius, but the ancient monsters, it is a little bit worse than the beast, they really like a wolf?

The beginning of the cloud is so fine, she has dealt with the monsters too many times, knowing that the monsters are extremely valued for their nobleness, so they continue to swear:

"Four wolves, although I have only seen the portrait of Sirius, but I think you must have the blood of Sirius, maybe someday will activate the blood of the wolf in the body, when you are the king of this forest! God! I actually saw four Sirius at once. It’s really a good fortune. I want to be happy and faint!”

Next to the **** three people, the eyes of the three eyes twitched, if not the current situation is too tight, it will certainly laugh, Xiaojiu, you are so arrogant!

Four bloodthirsty wind blade wolves feel dizzy, they really have the potential to stimulate the blood of the wolf in the body? This, this, if that's the case, it's so wonderful!

Well, these four have completely defaulted to the blood of the wolf in their bodies, and do not know where to come confident? ! Also, this self-confidence is the beginning of the cloud.

The ninth. Dear, Dragon Boat Festival! muah! The monthly ticket and the recommended ticket will expire after no vote. Do you know what to do? Give a violent slap to bamboo!

(End of this chapter)

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